lowrance software update

  • boos1906
    Posts: 643

    Hey guys just wondering what size of memory card I need to download the software update? I am still running the old software. Can I get memory cards at walmart? Went to walmart the other night and couldn’t find them. When I asked for help they tried selling me a zip drive which I was smart enough to know wouldn’t work. Thanks for the help guys

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    1 or 2 gig. Wal-Mart should have them buy the hundreds.

    Posts: 643

    Thanks for the help Calvin. I am not good with computers. In the instructions it says open the zip file and extract (unzip)the files to your computer. Then it says to instert your sd card and copy the files to it. Can some body please walk me through this. This will be the first time updating software on my hds. Feel free to pm me if that’s easier

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Basically you will save the update to your desktop. It will look like a file folder with a zipper on it (zipped file) geek humor… you can right click on the zipped folder and it should allow you to unzip (extract) the file. Once file is unzipped you can then save it to an SD card. Does your computer have a place to insert a SD card? Most laptops do. Likely the E drive…I think!!!

    Once file is saved to sd card just put card into Lowrance and power up, it will recognize the new software and load automatically.

    Above is off memory and this Lowrance update is from Lowrance. Good luck.

    Posts: 643

    Thanks again for the help calvin. I dont think my computer had a place to put the sd card but I have a memory card reader I can plug in

    Posts: 643

    I extracted the file but the folder on the desk top still shows the file. Should it be doing this?

    Posts: 776

    My computor shows both the zip file and unziped one that I sent to the sd card and updated my HDS8 with.

    Posts: 643

    Meant to say the folder still has the zipper on it

    Posts: 496

    528MB min. It will tell you min requirements on lowtances down load sights. 2 Gigs min for recording snap shots/video.

    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    make sure to only copy the file onto the flash drive and not the whole unzipped folder. Found that out after about three trips from the cabin to the boat on a rainy day while up north trying to update my dads HDS. Kinda defeated the idea of a quick easy run to get under the boat cover without getting too wet

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862


    I extracted the file but the folder on the desk top still shows the file. Should it be doing this?

    You will have the unzipped and the zipped remaining on your desktop. Move the unzipped file to your memory card reader/writer and you should be good to go.

    Posts: 643

    Ok thanks for the replies guys. I found the unzipped folder and have the sd card put in the momory card reader. Now how do I save the folder to the memory card? Thanks for the help guys

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