How do you use the trail function?

  • john-o
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 144

    How does everyone use the trail function? I have always just left it on, but then had too many trail lines. I erased them all and got the trail function back on thanks to Mike West. I would like to hear how you guys manage this function. Thanks for your help.

    Posts: 3237

    When the screen starts looking like an Etch A Sketch I will
    delete trail 001 and start a new 001.

    Hammond, WI
    Posts: 263

    I’m the same as Dandorn. It can be helpful when trolling to ensure you’re not re-trolling water you’ve already covered. On the contrary, it can be helpful to repeat successful trolling passes. I delete when it becomes difficult to see bottom contours.

    Garrison, MN
    Posts: 44

    I use the trail feature to save productive trolling routes as well as marking the river channel in shallow rivers.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    I like it because it makes your next pass better. You can tell where you get too deep or shallow because you normally have a sharp cut in or out. So your next pass you can plan ahead and make a better pass.

    Posts: 7348


    I like it because it makes your next pass better. You can tell where you get too deep or shallow because you normally have a sharp cut in or out. So your next pass you can plan ahead and make a better pass.


    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    John O,
    Some other useful features of the ‘trails’ is things such as saving a trail (maybe for a really hot bite on a drift or trolling). You can go back to the Waypoint, Routes, and Trails page, over to trails, enter you can then scroll down and un-higlight the round dots that say record & display.
    At that point you can even name the perticulat trail so you remember. You then can start a new trail, again making sure the dots for record and display are higlighted and your screen will clear, but you can then go back and re open the saved trail by once again higlighting display.
    This is a valuable tool in such cases where you gone for a long trip, you run out of trail space, but you want one main route back to base camp or something like that.
    Remember, there is only so much memory in your existing trail before it will start deleting itself from the begining which might be your route home.
    You have to run alot for this to happen, or run for many days in a row.

    You can also take an existing trail, un highlight the record, but keep the display, then start a new trail and use a different color and you’ll get a new trail overlay over the old trail… if that makes sense.
    This, of course, is just more tools these video game machines are capable of that are in our boats.
    It’s fun to me, when the bite simply slows to continue to learn functions, but then again, MY FW says I need serious help.
    Glad to hear you got it working.
    Have fun

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    I have a lot of saved trails on the GPS, all of which are typically named. 08/08 leadcore mille lacs, 06/15 LOTW, Rainy River safe run, etc. I will hide these trails until I am fishing this body of water or want to look at these trails.

    If I am fishing a lake for several days or a tournament for example, I will use a new trail each day with a new color usually named that date I am fishing. I can see where I fished the day before and see the trend of the fish from one day to the next.

    I will rarely delete a trail, I will simply hide the trail from the screen, never know when I need to go back to that trail!

    Lots of different functions on these units, more than we will ever need, but some very cool tools to see where and when you have been fishing.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 144

    Thanks for the information guys. There is a lot of this function that I need to learn and actually use. I can see the advantages of the suggestions you made. All the best.

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