Looks to me like it was a good thing you had that 12OZ beverage close at hand to help get you through the process 
In regards to the Point-1. My neighbor, who installs Lowrances at the dealership he works at borrowed my new Point-1 (still new in box) and hooked it up to his system at his house last night.
He said so far, he’s extremely impressed. Said he didn’t mount it, but held in his hand and moved extremely slow and so did the compass on screen when in course up setting (and this was done inside his insulated garage).
He also informed me that in regards to the calibration process of driving around in circles like someone who just escaped from Belvue is not necissary unless you are using Radar overlay features. Said that came right from instruction book.
Just repeating what was told to me just this morning.
He said he was going to go ahead and install being as I can’t have mine back but he’ll order one to replace it (guess he does like it
)and will do a real time test in his fishing league Thursday night.
Sounds like maybe the Point-1 is right on ‘track’ if you prefer the course up, or heading up option