Lost my NMEA 2K network…

  • ted-merdan
    Posts: 1036

    Lost my NMEA 2K network…

    Last fall I upgraded one of my 113’s for an HDS 10 gen2 (for sonar only) and the only way I was able to see my network with the external puck and my engine was to have the remaining 113 powered on.

    Today I installed an HDS 12 Touch and a Point1 antenna and now I can’t see any devices or the network on either unit. Previously I had the network switched onto one of my accessory switches and that hasn’t changed.

    I am wondering if the network behaves differently with the gen2 and later devices?? Any suggestions??



    Posts: 174

    If you replaced your remaining 113 with an HDS,you likely need to add the Lowrance Power Node to your network.

    The HDS units cannot power the network, and i’m assuming one of your 113’s was the network power source.

    You can still run the power node to an accy switch. Just with the HDS, the network needs an independant power source.

    Posts: 4062

    Yep, the HDS units no longer power the NMEA 2000, get the power node and all will be good.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Bullet & Moreyes are right on. A power Node is now needed. The old LCX units powered the NEMA network through head unit.

    Wire the power node into a switched location so Puck isn’t alwys running when main power is off, and you’ll then tie into your network.
    Beleive the power node comes with a ‘T’ but if not, you’s need a red connector tee, and then good-to-go.
    Good luck.

    Art Green
    Posts: 733

    When I upgraded to HDS, I ran the new power node through my old network switch as a”T” was already near there from the old system. Simply added the power node into the system.

    Posts: 1036

    Thanks – it’s what I was suspecting. Do you know where I could find one? Neither Thorne and cabelas had one in their store.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148


    I added the Power Node to my Lowrance accessory page…..
    Look HERE.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Ben, Sorry, I forgot about suggesting JolyAnn

    Posts: 1036

    Thanks for the quick help! I am leaving this afternoon for Mille Lacs so trying to resolve this this morning.

    One question on the yellow wire in the newer power cables – what is it for? Do I need to hook it up? If I do, how should it be connected?


    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    The yellow wire is the “wake up” power wire for hooking in an lss unit so when you turn on the HDS it turns on the lss.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    The Yellow wire is for an acessory (or called the wake up connection) and does not require being wired to power your netwrok.
    Make sure it’s switched as the antennas will always being calling for power and will run a battery down or dead.
    Good luck. Nice set up.
    Let us know how the point 1 works compared to the 4000’s (if that’s what you had previsously).

    Posts: 1036

    One other quick question- how do I load my waypoints. Spent a bit of time trying to figure that out tonight and ended up giving up and just went fishing….

    Posts: 3239


    One other quick question- how do I load my waypoints. Spent a bit of time trying to figure that out tonight and ended up giving up and just went fishing….

    Did you enable waypoint sharing on your touch unit?

    Posts: 1036

    Spent Friday afternoon of Memorial weekend rewiring the power cables for my two units and installed the N2K power node an all worked fine throught the weekend. I didn’t calibrate the Point-1 so will have to tackle that next time out. All worked great through Monday but when I got back up there to fish on Thursday the touch pad where I have my N2K switched through wasn’t working so I need to trouble shoot that also… didn’t keep me from fishing though, we just threw a bucket in and aerated the livewell (also runs off that touchpad) old school and caught a pile of walleyes anways. Thanks for your help and especially moreyes for the multiple calls to get me back and running!

    I will post more once I have it calibrated in the next week or so.


    Posts: 1036

    This is what the fun looked like, glad I threw my electrical box in for the trip because you just never know…

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Looks to me like it was a good thing you had that 12OZ beverage close at hand to help get you through the process

    In regards to the Point-1. My neighbor, who installs Lowrances at the dealership he works at borrowed my new Point-1 (still new in box) and hooked it up to his system at his house last night.
    He said so far, he’s extremely impressed. Said he didn’t mount it, but held in his hand and moved extremely slow and so did the compass on screen when in course up setting (and this was done inside his insulated garage).

    He also informed me that in regards to the calibration process of driving around in circles like someone who just escaped from Belvue is not necissary unless you are using Radar overlay features. Said that came right from instruction book.
    Just repeating what was told to me just this morning.
    He said he was going to go ahead and install being as I can’t have mine back but he’ll order one to replace it (guess he does like it )and will do a real time test in his fishing league Thursday night.

    Sounds like maybe the Point-1 is right on ‘track’ if you prefer the course up, or heading up option

    Posts: 4062


    This is what the fun looked like, glad I threw my electrical box in for the trip because you just never know…

    Posts: 1036

    It’s a good thing from that angle that you couldn’t see the pile of empty’s on the ground…

    It was about a 2 hour job for me to tear the whole thing apart, build new harnesses for the two units and add the power node. Probably not a good thing that I a getting so profecient nowadays…

    Onto the gremlin that took out my touchpad now – will probably figure that out just in time before I have to travel next week….

    Posts: 4062


    Onto the gremlin that took out my touchpad now – will probably figure that out just in time before I have to travel next week….

    I wonder if that gremlin was in a can or 2 or 3

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