Repost/ Help needed!

  • jeff_huberty
    Posts: 4941

    I have A Lowrance LCX-113C HD

    Currently my GPS Location will not show up on my Mapping screen, everything seems to be working except for locating my boat position on the map. If I change locations my longitude and latitude numbers appear to change also, however it will not show my current boat location.
    I tried the soft reset twice and it did not resolve the problem.

    I have checked inline fuses.. OK

    I have tried swiching the unit to a second puck…same non-response

    I have tried using my front LCX-27 and get the same non-response form both the first and the second puck.

    If I check the satelite status menu it shows that the system seems to be looking for satelites but can not acquire the signals.

    I do not get any message that the GPS is not responding when it has power.

    When I shut the power off I will then get a, GPS Module is not responding message.

    I am totally confused… is it possible to have two bad pucks

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    It sure sounds to me like there’s a problem in the NEMA 2000 Network.
    Have you checked all the connections at T’s and at terminator ends? Maybe worth putting some Dioleletric grease (something like that) in all connections. I lube every connector male and female pretty good with that stuff.
    If you activate your trails (record and display) are you getting anything?
    If it’s searching for Satelites and not locked in, and the 2 GPS Pucks (antennas) are okay, it almost has to be in the NEAM network.
    Sorry I can’t be of more assistance.
    Good luck

    Pierre, S.D.
    Posts: 90

    I’m shure you have checked the power to the GPS puck, but if not, check it to the connection on the puck. could be caused by corrosion.
    I personaly ran into a bad fuse that checked good due to that.
    Hope you find the problem.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Does the unit require power to unit and to GPS? On Hummin’s you need to use separate power sources. They need to come off of separate feeds.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422


    Does the unit require power to unit and to GPS? On Hummin’s you need to use separate power sources. They need to come off of separate feeds.

    The older LCX Units power the NEMA network through the head unit so seperate power such as a power Node like newer untis isn’t required. Still have to have power through network though

    Posts: 4941

    First off thanks for your help.

    I do have power to the pucks,I have a master control switch.
    When I shut it down I instantly get the GPS module is not responding.
    I checked the inline fuses and both were good, the same thind woulld happen when I removed the fuse, GPS is not responding, as soon as I replaced the fuse that message would go away.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Man Jeff, I can’t beleive it would be two bad GPS Modules (which ones do you have, 2000,3000, 4000)
    I have had many of these and never had one go bad but my brother did have a 3000 go bad, or at least when he added a new 400. problem went away.

    Guess my only suggestion would be try and borrow another puck.

    Question, do you have 2 pucks in your network? If so, maybe take one off, and terminate that T, and see if antyhing, and then repeat on other.
    I beleive there’s a place in menus where you can tell which one to activate, you might try eliminating one of them doing that also.

    Basically wondering if both units are trying from just one of the pucks (which is all they can unless individual to each head unit) and that ones the bad egg.
    Heck, I don’t even know if what I just said even makes sense.

    Best of luck!!!

    Posts: 4941

    I have the 3000,I think I will just buy one new puck and see if that changes anything,The pucks are not networked together, but they are on the same power supply.


    Posts: 4941

    Just Finished wiring in new 4000 puck..I guess you can’t really call it wiring it’s more like a plug and play.

    Anyways it worked and I am back in Buisness thanks for your help.

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