Playing sirius satellite radio through my HDS 8

  • Zach H
    Posts: 374

    Do I need to purchase the sonic hub from lowrance in order to play my satellite radio through my speakers, or is there a way to connect my speakers that I already gave in my boat?

    Posts: 3239

    Yes you do. You’ll also need a LWX-1 antenna.

    I like it because i hate static.

    Zach H
    Posts: 374

    I have an antenna already on my boat for the marine weather that also gets the radio. I didn’t know I needed the hub to play the radio through my speakers. I’m going to have to cancel it then. Thanks!

    Posts: 249

    Your other option is to have a stereo system that is Sirius ready. You will plug in the RCA type jack and be able to control the Sirius stations through that. It’s a little cheaper than the SonicHub, but not as convienent.

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902


    Do I need to purchase the sonic hub from lowrance in order to play my satellite radio through my speakers, or is there a way to connect my speakers that I already gave in my boat?

    You dont need sonic hub to listen to satellite radio!! If you have the LWX-1 antenna all you need to do is run a 3.5mm audio cable from the LWX-1 box to your radio aux input. If your radio doesnt have a 3.5mm aux input you might need a special cable for your radio?

    Ethernet cable to your HDS 8 controls the sirius station. You can also mute and control volume.

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    If you dont have a LWX-1 antenna there is no way to control sirius radio threw your HDS 8. If you have some other form of satellite radio you want to put in your boat just look at the output jack on the device and what you need for the input on your boat radio.

    Posts: 249

    The reason you need a Sirius ready radio is so the radio itself can interface with the LWX-1 antenna for changing channels. Without an interface, just hooking up to the aux jack would not work

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902


    The reason you need a Sirius ready radio is so the radio itself can interface with the LWX-1 antenna for changing channels. Without an interface, just hooking up to the aux jack would not work

    Wrong! A sirius ready radio is only needed if you are buying a sirius module to interface into the radio. If you want Sirius radio in your boat without a LWX-1 then you would need a sirius ready radio or you could have a seperate sirius display and then hook the audio out to the radio.

    With the LWX-1 the HDS unit is the interface. The LWX-1 can not interface to anything but a HDS unit(ethernet cable). The audio output from the LWX-1 module is a 3.5mm cable. Which most radios have a 3.5mm aux input on them. If not they make special cables for the radio for example RCA aux input then you will just need an adapter from 3.5mm to RCA.

    Zach H
    Posts: 374

    Is the aux input cable port on my navico interface box the one with the rubber plug? If so, do I plug the aux cable into that and then plug that into my RCA red and white input jacks that are coming off of my radio? I think someone said there is an adapter to convert a aux cable to work with the RCA cables. Hope to get this working. My radio signal is terrible!

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