Updated HDS8 gen1, now no gps or map cards?

  • basseyes
    Posts: 2687

    I am at my whits end? Have had Lowrance units and none have given me fits like the HDS8 this spring. Had an LCX112 that was bullet proof for years. Have another HDS unit that is fine. Network it to this one and it craps out the GPS on that unit. Updated the software on the HDS8 and now nothing but problems. No GPS fix. Have tried a soft and hard reboot. It was reading map cards and now I can’t get it to recognize anything? Had a unit get a dead spot and Lowrance replaced it. This one is now well past it’s warranty. It’s been a great unit till this spring. Does anybody work on these after their warranty is up? Sonar works great but the mapping and GPS has got me very frustrated. Going to call Lowrance in the morning and see what they say.

    Suppose they are going to tell me I need to get new map cards and an external antenna, even though the unit worked great before the software update.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    Where/how did you update the software? Do you have the old software and you re-instal to replace the new? I have heard of guys doing this with good results but not fool proof. I know places like Reeds in Walker have the old software update chips for quit a while after the new ones come out. Good Luck.

    Posts: 2687

    Went to the Lowrance web site and downloaded it on an sd card. Then loaded it on the unit. Have done it before on other units with no problems at all. Not sure if there’s just a problem with this unit or something I did.

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