I have hds 8 (gen1) using transducer that came in box. Never have been able to get temp to show. I have latest software version and have the option selected to show. Any suggestions?
You need to set up your overlay data for each page you use. If you are using sonar only, go to sonar page, then menu then overlay data. If you are using sonar split wiht mapping, then go to that page and set up your overlay data. Once each page is set up, it’s set. Each page can be set up seperately such as on your mapping page, you could set ground speed, time, and other options. Hope this helps.
Thanks Mike – I will verify when I can get back to my unit. However on my sonar page it shows temp with a – – -? So I assumed the data overlay as set but I will check. Thanks again. Ken
you also may need to set the local/global setting. Having it set to global means that everything on your network uses that temp. The issues I’ve seen with global temps and other settings is that when you have one unit turned off, it sometimes messes up showing it anywhere. If it is set to local, it only shows on that unit. I can’t remember exactly where that setting is though without access to my boat, which I don’t have today. Do some google searches on setting temp on HDS units.
Let us know. I have one of my HDS 10’s hear at my desk and would be happy to walk through it with you once you are also at your unit. Won’t be at my desk much longer though. One other thought, make sure you have the correct transducer set up in your system set up. You should be able to tell which transducer it is by the small piece of tape around the end by either connector, or transducer itself. I’d be suprised if this was anything more than just getting it set properly, but then again, it is electronis and they all have their issues. Good luck, LMK
Thanks John – I will check that setting. This makes sense as for me I recently turned off the sonar network option as I like to configure the hds7 at trolling motor different from hds8 at console. Thanks again – ken
John – you put your money on the right thing. It was the Local/Global setting. I did find out that if you change that setting you have to reboot your unit in order to save setting. Thx to you and Mike for your help. Ken
Probably a dumb question but will the shoot through hull transducer give you temp? I have an 8 also
I have an external temp probe mounted on the transom next to my structure scan transducer. Since a thru hull doesn’t touch the water, the best you would get for a temp reading would be the temp inside your bilge.