HDS-9 Touch Locks Up w/ Weather Overlay On

  • Greg Sieren
    Posts: 3

    I have an HDS-9 Touch. Tonight I activated the Sirius Weather. When in the “Chart” Screen, with the Weather Overlay turned on, if I move the cursor and then tap “back” or try and move the cursor, the HDS-9 Locks up for about 45 seconds and then the system reboots. It’s done this almost 10 times and is easy to duplicate.

    If I turn the Weather overlay off, the problem stops.

    Anyone else having the same issue?

    Posts: 508

    do you live in minnesota? look out the window, just kidding of course, this spring is sucking

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    That’s odd as I know of a few that have been using the new touches and weather with no problems. So as long as you dont move the cursor at all on the chart w/ weather overlay the unit is fine?

    I’m sure it has the current software update? I will be installing my units next Friday, probably activate Sirius Saturday. If you haven’t got it solved I will see if I have the same problems on my 9.

    Posts: 3239

    Have you ever updated your HDS.

    The latest software update is It doesn’t mention
    that it fixes what you’re experiencing but it may.

    Link to update

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 15

    I am having the same problem with both my 9 and my 12. when you try to bring up the cursor it will lockup and reset. its annoying and my software is the latest. rumor has it there is another up date comming soon I dont know if this will be addressed.

    Greg Sieren
    Posts: 3

    Yes, my software is current, 1.0-41.99. It is straight from Lowrance, not even a week old. Just a little frustrating that they don’t fully test the functionality of their software before release. This is a very annoying problem.

    At least they know about it and are working on a software fix.

    Skeeter, It seems that you get about “one free tap” on the chart screen and then it locks up. If you don’t touch the chart screen or options, it appears to be OK.

    I emailed them about the issue and this was their reply:

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    We will be releasing a new software update this month to fix this issue.

    Thank you for choosing Navico products!

    Navico Technical Support

    Posts: 1036

    Lowrance should be on site for the Cabelas National Walleye Tour later this month in Red Wing if you wanted to have Ron Hunter take a look at it.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 15

    I heard last night that Chris Meyers just got the new update and is testing it to make sure all the fixes in it work before it gets released to us in a couple of weeks.
    Lowrance is awaire of this issue and it is to be addressed in this next release so watch the Lowrance web site. There are supposed to be a few other goodies in it that we will like.

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    The new 2.0 update should be out in a couple weeks.

    Another heads up is I was told for the Touch 9 & 12 to run a 5amp fuse and not the 3amp.

    Posts: 1

    Ur absolutely right!
    I was having the same problems as everyone else
    Replaced the fuse with a 5amp
    No more problems!!

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 15

    I already had 5 amp fuses in mine.
    2.0 update came out yesterday mine is now cured, and there is lots of cool new stuff in this update also.

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