elite 7 powering off

  • dbright
    Posts: 1892

    I picked up a elite 7 last week and have been on the water twice with it and in 24 hrs on the water I’ve had it turn off 3 times. I’ve checked battery connection and all other connections are soldered and shrink tubed . After repowering one of the times it would say the depth but would show nothing else on the screen. I shut it down several times before it started working right. I’m sure calling lowrance cs will solve it but I figured I’d see if someone had a easy solution before I gave them a call.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    By any chance is it powering down when you go to start your main motor? Like surging? Not sure about the elite 7, but if you can check voltage on screen, that might tell you something.
    On my bigger untis, when my starting battery started to lose voltage, but still had enougnh to start motor, my lowrances would power down. I was at to low of volatge.
    Just a starting point. this hs been a common problem for many.
    Good luck. My experiences is Lowrances Customer service has imporved 100 fold.

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608

    My son had the same problem and it was an electrical problem within his motor. I’m sure someone on here knows what the electrical part that directs power to the different areas is called. Right now it slips my mind.

    Old-timers disease….

    Posts: 1892

    My motor is pull start and not hooked up to my accessories battery. Thevvoltage hasn’t dropped below 12.4

    Posts: 4062

    Just for the heck of it try another battery, possibly something in the battery is not right

    jack conrad
    Posts: 22

    It is most likely a voltage drop ,had same problem,on advise from lorance rep run ground directly to battery

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 46

    I have my Elite 7 setting on my bench running off a 12v battery charger and had it power off on me on the bench for no reason.

    Posts: 1892

    I’ll have to give lowrance a call tomorrow.

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