Lowrance Radar

  • boos1906
    Posts: 643

    Hey guys just wondering if lowrance has gone away from the radar that you put on the first gen hds units? All I am seeing at cabelas and stuff now is the 3 and 4g broadband radar and there is no way I’m spending that much. I fish some lakes that have no cell service so that radar would be handy. Thanks for the help guys

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    I think you are getting Weather Radar that is offered by Siruis (i think) confused with the low level radar ( broadband ) that as mentioned if for running in the fog or dark to “see” lake surface obstacles. The low level costs in excess of $1500 so that is probly what you are seeing.

    WX radar

    Looks like we doubled upon this…. good work mojo

    Posts: 643

    Thanks for the replies guys. Yes that’s what I am looking for. I didn’t know the high dollar one wasn’t for seeing the weather. Anybody have any reviews on the sirius weather module for the hds?

    Posts: 3403

    I had the XM version with a humminbird, and I liked it. The only thing I didn’t like was that if you were in or near Canada it wouldn’t show anything over Canada so if the the storm was coming from Canada you couldn’t see it. Now unless you are in an area with no cell service or don’t have a smart phone it is a wasted expense IMO. If there is no cell service it can be a life saver. Another option is to wire your locator gps into a marine radio that way if there is a weather warning in the area you are in, the radio will sound an alarm and switch to the local weather channel giving you information about the warning. It works well for me.

    Posts: 643

    Mojogunter Thanks for the help. When you say you had the xm package I assume you mean the xmwx package over the sirius marine weather? What exactly is the difference between the two of them? It looks like with xm cheapest package I don’t get lightning alerts. Thanks again for the help

    Posts: 3403

    As far as I know it is pretty much the same thing. Mine did show if there was lightning in a cell. Sirius for lowrance and XM for humminbird. One thing I miss is it showed wind speed on the maps, so you knew if the wind was coming and about how long before it got there.

    Posts: 643

    Mojogunter thanks for the response. I really wanna get this but don’t really wanna pay the reactivation fee every spring and don’t really wanna pay a monthly fee while the boat is sitting in storage and I’m not using it. So I don’t know what I’m going to do

    Posts: 3239


    Mojogunter thanks for the response. I really wanna get this but don’t really wanna pay the reactivation fee every spring and don’t really wanna pay a monthly fee while the boat is sitting in storage and I’m not using it. So I don’t know what I’m going to do

    You can put your account on hold for up to 7 months a year,

    right BK?, so you don’t have to pay for it when you’re not able to use it. No reactivation fee to start the signal

    back up if you put your acct. on hold. Do not cancel.

    I used to pay monthly but there is an invoice fee every month. I just started paying for 6 months in advance this

    past open water season and will do the same next year.

    Posts: 643

    Dan thanks for the reply. I didn’t know you could put your account on hold and not pay the activation fee. That makes me alot happier. I will definately be getting this now.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    You can put your account on hold for up to 7 months a year,
    right BK?, so you don’t have to pay for it when you’re not able to use it. No reactivation fee to start the signal
    back up if you put your acct. on hold. Do not cancel.

    Don’t let Sirius tell you any different! They trained all of their customer service people to say 5 or 6 months…it’s 7 and if they say any different ask THEM to read the Customer Service agreement to you.


    I used to pay monthly but there is an invoice fee every month. I just started paying for 6 months in advance this
    past open water season and will do the same next year.

    Dan, I’ve found a work around for the $2 invoice fee. Instead of waiting for an invoice, I just pay the $12.99 on month ahead of time. No invoice/no invoice fee.

    For Weather only, they won’t allow me to pay 6mo. The only option (I was told) was a 1 yr payment.

    Now to most, paying a year isn’t a big deal. Me either, but since I’ve had some issues, I’m going month to month until I’m sure all is going smoothly.

    I get a little crabby when talking about Sirus Weather.

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