HD5 Gen 1 compatibility

  • tom_gursky
    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    I need some Tech help…

    Last season I upgraded my bow finder to an HD5 Gen1 combo which reads sonar thru my I Pilot…now I want to upgrade
    the console with another HD5 or HD7. I currently am running a 332C with transom mount transducer (to my console).

    I want to;
    1) network both HD units
    2) select the front unit to read from either the I Pilot
    or transom transducer…so when I am motoring I can have the bow sonar fullscreen and console option…since the I Pilot will be out of the water…

    Posts: 3239

    Just ethernetwork the two and you’ll be able to read the bow
    from the console and the console reading at the bow.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    Thanks Dan!

    I can’t find anymore Gen1s available so far…Will a Gen2 HD work with my Gen1?

    Posts: 9

    A gen2 will work with a gen1. Gen2 has a few more options is all. They will still communicate together via Ethernet.

    Ken Sauret
    Paso Robles, California
    Posts: 164

    You will actually like the Gen 2 much more because of the increased speed of the processor. Pages load much faster and navigation through menus is faster too. The Structure Map feature on the Gen 2’s is pretty cool too if you happen to have a Structure Scan addition to you HDS unit.

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