522 c not reading lake chip

  • matt
    Posts: 659

    My 522 quit reading my lakemaster chip.I tryrd two different chips and same result.I tryed both chips in another unit and they both work.The gps and graph work just fine so thankfully I wasnt fishin blind all weekend.I was told by a lowrance rep that it was my card reader and could not be fixed, but since it had been puchased within the last 5 years I was eligiable for a 200 $ discount on a new unit.Question, has anyone had this problem not reading the chips? And was the service rep correct in saying it couldnt be repaired? Id like a new one but cant afford it and with the graph working fine its kinda tough to just go without while its exchanged or fixed.Any ideas?

    Posts: 3403

    It is not that is can’t be repaired. It is that no one will repair it.

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    Lowrance doesnt repair them units anymore. It got to be too much to carry parts for all the old units. I would try doing a soft reset then hard reset if the soft reset doesn’t work before I consider the unit junk. Just make sure you save your waypoints before a hard reset.

    I know it sucks but at least you can get a new HDS5 for $400-500.

    Posts: 41

    I have a similar problem with my 522. I have a thin piece of tagboard or matchbook cover wedged in on top of my chip, between the outside of the chip and the plastic over it. This seems to solve the problem for me.

    I had it out with lowrance over this issue in may with the same outcome, can’t fix it but will be mor than happy to take another pile of cash of your hands-100% B.S.

    Hope this fixes it for you.

    Posts: 659

    Thanks guys i tried the soft and hard reset,no luck there unfortuneately will try yhe tagboard idea it couldnt hurt.Otherwise im gonna start saving my pennies,just thankful i still have the sonar for the time being and i guess when i get fish i can mark new spots,just frustrates a guy knowing everything else works fine but the card reader.Im getting tempted to
    crack the s.o.b open myself and see what i can do.lol

    Posts: 1027

    Don’t open it yourself. They are sealed and have Argon gas in them to prevent fogging up.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    At the age of it I wouldn`t be afraid to pull it apart I have done that many times to the LMS350`s. When putting it back together I replaced the descant bags with new ones never had an issue.

    But first I would clean the chip contacts with alcohol and a Q-tip and slide the chip in and out a few times cleaning the contacts between.

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