Lowrance has customer no service

  • smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    of the original Lowrance family, still owned Lowrance, you would never have this problem. the current ownership has taken 40 plus years of good will and flushed them down the drain. you can’t treat customers this way , not in the age of email, forums, and the interet. You get bad service and not only do 50 people know it , but 500 people know it in hours. its a poor way of doing business, its the way business is done now adays, but its a very poor way of doing business.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    …and only 10 people hear about it when service is great. Five of those 10 own other brands and won’t want to hear that anyway.

    Saying another brand is better then the one a person chose to buy is admitting they made a mistake in their decision. Whether bird or Lowrance.

    Well this is the end of one of the crappiest weeks I’ve had in a while. I read these “no service” threads and expect the worst when calling in a problem. The turn around point was the service I’ve received from Lowrance.

    Ken, Cheryl and you are awesome representatives for Lowrance. Thanks for putting a smile on my mug!

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    I have little doubt than Lowerance has turned their issues from the recent past around.
    I never had to test the company in my past. That alone should attest to their unit’s integrity.

    Ken Sauret
    Paso Robles, California
    Posts: 164

    Thanks Brian. I appreciate your kind words. Lowrance is always improving their customer service and products and I’m sure every other electronics company is doing the same. If they’re not they are loosing ground to the competition. I find it’s best to do your own research and make the decision that is best for yourself.

    Hearsay is like dock talk, not much value being disseminated there.

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