HDS10 Gen 2 locks up???

  • Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    HDS 10 Gen2 with latest updates is locking up while running just Chart and sonar split screen, while running Structure Scan, Down Scan, Chart, and Sonar it will just turn off and reboot? On Saturday this happened about 7-10 times throughout the day. Is anyone else running into this problem? Trying to trouble shoot here before I call Lowrance.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    The only time I had the re boot issue was when changing pages Cal. I was told to up grade the software and haven’t had a problem since.

    Hopefully someone will have an easy fix for you.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    Yes. My buddy is experiencing the same. He has even exchanged units.

    Posts: 1009

    like any computer when you run a software update you may have had some loss of data.. I would try and wipe it clean of any user installed data and try a reinstall of the latest update.. if that dont work then it most likely is on there end..

    good luck

    Posts: 4062

    Try and reload the latest software

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Unit seems to be working fine now, must of been a power issue or something as I tightened the connections again. Thanks for the help IDO.

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