HDS Advice

  • skeeter1775
    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 6

    Right now my boat is rigged with a Gen 1 HDS 7 at the controls and a Gen 1 HDS 5 at the bow. I also have a LSS 1. Here’s the dilemma… I would like to have more viewing area in the back. Should I:

    – Buy another Gen 1 HDS 7 for the back and use it solely for structure scan. Between Lowrance rebates of $200 and another $200 in Cabelas bucks I am thinking it would be a pretty good deal.

    – Buy an HDS 8 for the back and try to sell either the 5 or 7. I don’t know if I would get a Gen 1 or a Gen 2. I would probably be leaning toward the Gen 1 because of the same rebates as above.

    Thanks for your opinions!

    Posts: 4524

    Why not just get the HDS 10 for the back and be done:)

    Or I would use your discounts and add 1 more HDS 7 if you have the room.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    If you are as lazy as me. I would get a new hds 7 and run two in the back. alot less re-rigging and you dont have to try to sell anything.

    If you have alot of time on your hand. I would buy an 8 move your 7 up front and sell your 5.

    If you get a new 7 id keep it gen 1 to keep everything the same. if you get a new 8 id go gen 2.

    anyway you can never go wrong with adding more electronics.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    I really like having 2 at the counsal or back of tiller.
    Really consider the 8 to go with the 7. The soft keys are really nice. Or the 10 as someone else suggested, but hey, it’s easy to suggest when it’s not your $’s.
    Happy shopping

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    If you use the LSS-1 like it is ment to then the bigger the screen the better. Also the structure overlay on the Gen 2 units is worth the extra money. Being you have LSS-1 you can run an extra set of cabels to the dash so when running you big motor all day you can run your units side by side so you can run sructure on one and map and 2D on the other… IMO if price is a deciding factor then your not ready to upgrade. Just wait until you have the money and you will not regret it!

    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 6

    I just read the fine print and the $200 Lowrance discount was for units purchased by 5/31 and needed to be mailed by the end of this month.

    I wouldn’t say that price is the deciding factor. I am more concerned with getting a setup that works well, but is still a decent value. A $2300 depth finder is sure nice, but it doesn’t guarantee that you will catch more fish!

    Posts: 204


    A $2300 depth finder is sure nice, but it doesn’t guarantee that you will catch more fish!

    Oh don’t start thinking like that! And don’t add up what you’ve already spent! I could have bought a decent depthfinder for what I spent in just cables and mounts this spring.

    I’m surprised you’re even seeing Gen 1 units still available.

    If cost is a factor I’d get the Gen 2 7. They can be had online with no tax and no shipping for less than you’ll see them in stores.

    Connecticut, USA
    Posts: 2



    A $2300 depth finder is sure nice, but it doesn’t guarantee that you will catch more fish!

    Oh don’t start thinking like that! And don’t add up what you’ve already spent! I could have bought a decent depthfinder for what I spent in just cables and mounts this spring.

    I’m surprised you’re even seeing Gen 1 units still available.

    If cost is a factor I’d get the Gen 2 7. They can be had online with no tax and no shipping for less than you’ll see them in stores.

    Here is still gen 1 units available today. I took advantage of it at cabelas this week. I was able to find an hds5 with lss-1 for 950.00 I paired that with a gen 2 hds7 with insight for my console and walked out for 2,000. Plus a 150.00 rebate.

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