Lowrance X51 Fish Finder Glitch

  • who4ever
    Posts: 2

    Hi. First time posting on the forum. Maybe someone can help me. I bought a 2000 Aquasport 215 dual console last year that came with a Lowrance X51 depth/fish finder. For the most part, it worked fine for my needs. It came on when I turned on the auxilliary switch, the scroll worked and the digital depth display in the upper left corner showed an acurate continuous reading of my depth. This year, though, there is a glitch. The scroll still seems to be working fine, but the digital display now flashes, and stays on one number. It doesn’t change as I move along. Sometimes it stays on a single flashing number for quite a few minutes, and then I will look at it later and it seems to be working, and then it isn’t again. Yesterday, while in my slip, the scroll correctly showed me at 3 feet, but the digital display kept flashing a 0.0 reading. It does not seem like a transducer problem, because, again, the scroll is moving and seems to be accurate. I tried a reset, but my power button has always been a bit soft and doesn’t always work well. Can any of you suggest what might be wrong and what I could do to correct it? Thanks in advance. Dave

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    It might be a crusty connection where the transducer plugs into the back of the unit. Pull it off and plug it back in a few times to rub some of the corrosion off the pins and sockets.

    Posts: 2

    Thanks, but that didn’t work

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