StructureScan – Quality problems

  • FritzP
    Posts: 4

    Hey guys,

    i am running a HDS5 gen2 with structure scan on my boat and im not very happy about the picture quality.
    The attached sonar log shows, on the left side the default simulatet log and on the right mines. As you can see, the freewater shows a lot of “fog” (small white pixels). So my log is not so clear as the lowrance custom log. What reasons could this have?
    Can this also be a problem from electromagnetical influence?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Welcome to Ido Fritz!

    We seldom receive questions from Germany!

    I’m sure one of the guys can help you.

    Posts: 405

    It looks like you are in fairly shallow water, try turning down the sensitivity and that should clear up your picture quality. From my experience any side or down imaging requires sensitivity adjustment as you move from shallow to deeper water or the same from deep to shallow.

    Once you become more familiar with what you are seeing and have more experience in fine tuning the sensitivity, you will not need to adjust as much.

    In your example picture, you can see how bright the bottom looks on your graph and on the simulator the bottom is not bright at all. You do not want the bottom to show that bright, by turning down the sensitivity the bottom will apear darker and your “fog” will likely clear up.

    Hope this helps!!

    Posts: 83

    When your in less then 10′ of water or so switch to 455khz you will notice a big difference. You want to be on 800kHz in deeper water. Your down image will not be as clear in 455 but your side scan will improve big time

    Posts: 4

    How can i adjust the sensitivity of DS and SS? I only see there the option for contrast adjustment. I remember that i can only adjust the sensitivity of the normal Sonar device.

    Posts: 405

    Sorry I should have said adjust the contrast not sensitivity. If I remember correctly turn the contrast down in shallow water and turn up in deeper water. Also like fishim mentioned above, in shallow water change the frequency to 455 khz and when in deeper water change it to 800 khz, this will make a big difference in resolution

    Posts: 4

    I did already set the contrast down to values between 5-15. But as you can see its not getting better. I was driving with my boat in depth up to 12 meters but i could not improve the ds/ss quality by reducing contrast. In which water depth should ds/ss work perfectly (like the lowrance log)?

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    I run Hbirds but in shallow water we run 800 KHZ and deep water the 455KHZ.

    Posts: 4


    i will try next time to adjust the contrast of ds/ss again. Also i will adjust the frequenzies and have a look to the results on the image quality. What i did yesterday was to correct the positions of the two sounders. Let’s see what happens now.
    I will give you a feedback soon.

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