Need HELP!!! Lowrance LCX-15MT Update!

  • titanxt
    Posts: 25

    I just a boat that has a 2005 Lowrance LCX-15MT sonar. I called Lowrance today and they said that I need the old parallel port card adaptor in order to update the unit from version 2.2 to version 2.5. Once the unit is updated to 2.5 all of the other updates to version 3.6 can be done via a USB connected card reader.

    Does anyone still have one of the parallel port card readers??



    Posts: 823

    I have one, but do you even have a parallel port on your computer anymore.. its like a 25 pin plug, if thats what you are looking for. I upgraded to mapcreate 6 I think because it was usb based.

    Posts: 25

    We have a computer at work that still has the parallel port. Does MapCreate 5 not use USB? Lowrance is sending me a MapCreate 5 CD. Do you know if there is a free upgrade on the internet for version 6? Also, how do I go about getting the card reader, price, shipping, etc?

    Thank you!


    Posts: 823

    Mapcreate 5 is Parallel port. Map create 6 is usb and will work with an x15. I dont think any version of mapcreate higher than 6 will work, for some reason.

    You can have my parallel port interface. Its been ten years since I used it, and I dont even know what parts are all involved. I could never get a sd card to work in my reader, or my unit, I always had to use an mmc card, which is what the interface says also..

    MMC reader.

    Parallel port interface

    Posts: 25

    THank you very much!!! I will private message you with my address. Thank you again!

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1123

    I need to update my unit that i just bought one from an ido member.

    Can i use the gear after?


    Posts: 823

    Like I told Titan in a PM, there was restrictions to how many actual mmc cards were ever loaded up with maps. I believe it was limited to 6. I know I used it for 2 cards back in 2000. so there should still be 4 card numbers left available. (unless my mind is failing and I used more).

    I believe the reason for this, was they didnt want one person buying mapcreate and building maps for all their buddies and internet friends.

    I could me mistaken though..

    Posts: 823

    Titan, You should have mail today..

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