structure scan questions…

  • a.j.-wiesner
    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    i was running my new structure scan the other day and i noticed that it reads clearer to the left side and it seems kind of blurry on the right side. anybody have any idea on if i mounted it wrong or maybe don’t have the unit set up right?? any advice would help…

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Something is blocking the image maybe? Like a screen filter, motor, ect

    Got any pics of your head units screen and the rear of your boat?

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    Which side of the boat is your ducer on? I would say you either have something blocking the signal, or it isn’t level and getting a clean view. Mine doesn’t view clean to the port side unless I tilt my motor up some.

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    i had a professional mechanic do the job but he is mostly a humminbird guy and hasn’t done one of these lowrances he said. here is an attached picture of the back of my boat and the mounted transducers. thanks for any help guys

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    i ran a humminbird 1198 on friday with my buddy dom and it was clear to both sides….so i know it can be done. i’m assuming the motor is blocking the ducer from reading to the right??

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    Based on the pictures, and this is just a guess, it looks like your 2D skimmer transducer is lower than your structure scan, but not sure if that is enough to throw it off. Suppose it could be blocking a bit of the signal, or maybe it is the 2D signal clouding it? May be the motor as well if you have it tilted down all the way.

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    Looks like you are being blocked by that transducer to the right of your side imaging transducer.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309


    Looks like you are being blocked by that transducer to the right of your side imaging transducer.

    You could swap the positions of those ducers and see if that clears it up. First, I would try running with your motor trimmed up some and see if that clears it up.

    Posts: 776

    I agree on the trasducer x2 if the motor was out of the way

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    i was messing with the contrast to try and clear it up….is there any other features that would help me clear up the images other than contrast?? josh at thorne bros. said contrast is what mostly tunes your structure scan.

    think i’m going2 try and move the small ducer to the right side or other side of the boat…i have holes drilled over there from where i had the same ducer before.

    thanks for the help trouble shooting guys. i’ll let u know when i get it fine tuned as it should pay off big time in the FISH CATCHING category.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    contrast is about it. You can try different color pallettes as well. Sometimes things look different on other colors.

    Posts: 4062

    Nope your 2D transducer is blocking the signal from the Structure Scan transducer swap them around put the 2d higher than the structure scan transducer

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