GPS module question

  • marbleye2
    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    First off, let me say I have a love/hate relationship with my electronics…I love them when they work, but hate trying to troubleshoot.

    I recently purchased a new gps/locator combo so I’m parting ways with my old reliable LMS 350A. I have an X-15 on the bow that is GPS compatible, but I’ve never had the module for it. In removing the 350, the GPS module fittings match the X-15. I plugged the two together, but I can’t get the GPS unit to respond or communicate with the locator. I’ve tried go through the set up menus, etc…but the GPS won’t respond.

    My question is, are the two compatible? I was assuming that because the module fit the locator that they would communicate? Am I wrong in that assumption? If not, any suggestions on how to go about getting the two to work together?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    Posts: 174

    Not 100%…but you may need to add an Ohm Terminator. Basically, you’d need to get an LEI cable with a T, plug the module into the T, plug an Ohm Terminator to the end.

    I could be wrong.

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