HDS 5 trails?

  • muskyman20
    Posts: 35

    so i have 2 Hds 5 units, one at the helm and one at the bow. The one at the bow is a lake insight unit and when i am moving on the gps it shows the lake map chip contours and the boat triangle but does not leave a trail behind, however the one at the helm does? is this just a feature i have failed to turn on or is there something wrong with the unit?

    Posts: 4062

    You have failed to turn on, duplicate the settings

    Posts: 35

    failed to turn what on? i have played in the settings and havent found anything. a little more info would be great, thanks?

    Posts: 9311

    I’m assuming he is saying that there is a “duplicate the settings” option.

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    Go to pages, waypoints routes and trails, highlight trails, press menu, new trail and make sure record and display are highlighted.

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