Rumors of Lowrance coming out with it’s own mappin

  • Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    I’m hearing rumors of LOW coming out with it’s own mapping chip? Anyone have any solid facts about this?


    Rumor is true Wade. Should be here by April from what I was told.

    Needless to say I pray that LOW did there homework and its a quality chip or else I’m stuck shopping for a 2011 MN Lakemaster chip.

    Posts: 963

    Justin, Todd at Formula Propeller in Crystal has a pile of the 2011 lakemaster chips, at least 25 of them.

    Posts: 217

    There is still some LakeMaster chips around Scheels in Mankato has a bunch also. The Lowrance chip is a quality chip as well and covers a lot of water for the money.

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