Lowrance Networking

  • RStawski
    Lindstrom, MN
    Posts: 12

    I have a Lowrance HDS7 and would like to add an HDS5 and utilize my existing transducer and structurescan imaging to feed both units. Is this possible, and if so, what additional equipment do I need to make this happen? I would like to also share waypoints…How do I make that happen?


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    My understanding is that an ethernet cable will allow you to share waypoints but I don’t think it will share the structure scan and transducers.

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    Just run a ethernet cable (tan with yellow ends) from your LSS-1 control box to your second unit and your good to go! Other then selecting what transducers you want to use everything else should set itself up.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653


    If you run the Structure Scan you can’t link the 2 units to share waypoints? Or will that run through the structure scan module?

    I don’t recall there being enough connections on the back of the units to run an ethernet between the units and to the LSS.

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116


    If you run the Structure Scan you can’t link the 2 units to share waypoints? Or will that run through the structure scan module?

    I don’t recall there being enough connections on the back of the units to run an ethernet between the units and to the LSS.

    There is 2 types of networks. Ethernet and NMEA2000. The difference between the 2 is the type of information that you can share between units.

    HDS units will have 4 plugs on the back. a blue plug for power, blue plug for normal transducers, black plug for NMEA2000 network, and yellow plug for ethernet network.

    The structure scan LSS-1 control box is a ethernet network hub and will allow up to 3 units to be hooked up to it via ethernet cables (tan with yellow ends) directly from the HDS unit to the LSS-1 box this is a ethernet network. This will allow you to share waypoints and Structure Scan. Waypoints should transfer automatically and selecting transducers is done manually.

    Each HDS unit is hooked to the LSS-1 control box with ethernet cables, structure scan transducer is also run to the LSS-1 control box, and power is run to the LSS-1 control box. When its all hooked up and turned on the HDS units should auto find the new hardware and pretty much set itself up.

    If your not adding additional sensors, sonichub, or a LGC-4000 puck and all you want to do is share transducers and waypoints you will not need to do a NMEA2000 network if you are installing structure scan.

    I installed 3 head units, Structure Scan, Sonichub, LGC-4000 puck, and a NMEA2000 network into my boat 2 weeks ago so its fresh in my head right now!

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309


    If you run the Structure Scan you can’t link the 2 units to share waypoints? Or will that run through the structure scan module?

    I don’t recall there being enough connections on the back of the units to run an ethernet between the units and to the LSS.

    If I am understanding your question correctly…..

    If you have an LSS-1 you do not need to connect the two head units together and they will share THROUGH the LSS-1. It works as a hub. If you don’t have LSS-1 and want to share, you can connect two head units together by hooking an ethernet cable directly between the two units.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Thanks Kroger….I was definitely misinformed. Now I am bummed I passed up on the LSS they had on sale at Gander in Maple Grove before they closed down.

    I was told the LSS-1 would only work on 1 unit…I should have done more research myself….my loss.

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