HDS 5 & 7

  • ib_jigged
    Posts: 45

    Hello, I am new here.

    I bought a HDS 5 last year and used it all summer, I tried to scroll with the button on the chart screen in the diagonal directions and I can only go straight up and down and sideways.

    My wife bought me a HDS 7 to mount in the bow location and I noticed on this I am able to scroll in the diagonal directions.

    Is there something wrong with my HDS 5? Or is this normal?


    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Welcome to IDO

    If you dont get your answer here,send your question to Wade ,he will definitely give you the answer your looking for. Send to the following addy >>>> [email protected]

    Posts: 1748

    agree with trumar and welcome 2 IDO

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    Welcome aboard.

    waconia, mn
    Posts: 132

    I have a 1st year hds5 and if I remember right they don’t scroll diagnal. That option came later when they updated the button design.

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