I got a new left over Dominator 175 Sport. I know I want the 80 lb. Terrova but not sure how to set up the electronics. Should a person go with one HDS-7 on the counsel and a HDS-5 on the bow. Or get two HDS-5s for the counsel, one for sonar, one for GPS to get a larger screen and one HDS-5 on the bow.
Can I get just one with the GPS and network them all together? There’s lots to know. 
Thanks for any suggestions.
I would put an HDS8 where ever you plan on spending the most time. Big difference in the HDS8 & HDS7 or 5. I have a tiller and the HDS8 is in the back and I have a HDS7 up front. I spend about 85% of my time in the back. If you want GPS on all your units… each unit will have to have GPS. If you want the lake maps on all units you will need a chip for all units. By the way Johnson Outdoors purchased Lake Master so if you want a LakeMaster CHip for a Lowrance you better find it before spring because I would be surprised if there would be any left by the end of boat show season… maybe sooner.