Lowrance and map chip ?

  • AllenW
    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    I’m looking into getting a chip for my LCX 27C unit for when I fish Superior, I see navionics has both a hot map and premium chip that includes LOW and Rainy, and a few others I think, not sure which one would work better, not familiar with Navioics, also wondering what if any does Lakemaster have, not excatly sure what their selling now?



    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    Owning a Nav chip, I would lean toward Lowrance. Nav offered more lakes so I bought into it. Problem being, the contours are poor to start and worse when zooming ,which it only zooms in to 1/8th mile.
    After looking at others Lowr. chips I’m really kicking myself, great contour clarity, being able to get within a few feet of your waypoints and constant updates makes it an easy choice next season on what will be used. Keep in mind that my Nav. is 3 years old so mabe improvements were made

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Thanks, I’ll try and see what Nav has done lately, I do have the Lakemaster chip for MN and really like it over the Nav version, so maybe I should start there.

    Just wasn’t sure which one would be better for Superior.


    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    Allen check out the Navionics Fish N Chip for Great Lakes http://www.navionics.com/MarineFeatures_FishNChip.asp

    Thanks Kirt.

    Must be brain dead tonight, I can’t figure out what covers what and how to look at what their screen looks like.

    I have a new Navionic chip that says Hot maps Platinum MSD/HMPT-N6 on it, haven’t been able to try it yet but I think it does Superior????

    Like Jeff mentioned, I think Lakemaps had a better chip, least for MN, but I bought mine in 07/08 so not sure about what’s out there now.

    Trying to find the better of the two without buying both..:)


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