Cleaning the screen

  • dank
    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1123


    I have lxc-19 that has water spots and some other grim on it. the grim is starting to start to prevent a good view of the screen, depth, fish,etc…

    so my question is this:
    is there a a good screen cleaner to get the water spots and other dirt that is on the screen?
    Does windex work or any other lcd screen cleaners (e.g. tv cleaners)?

    I have heard a mixture of amonia, vinegar and water works but don’t know the formula and am nervous to try it.

    I know that water is not working to get it off.


    Posts: 3239

    I use a 50/50 mix of Isopropyl rubbing alcohol and distilled water.
    For the really hard water spots sometimes I have to use 50/50 vinegar and water.

    I clean mine after every outing to prevent the hardening
    of the spots.

    Posts: 699

    Use mild soapy water and a soft cloth like a micro fiber towel. If you need more than that use a water vinegar mix and a soft cloth.

    Lake Mills, WI
    Posts: 831

    Never use any chemical on my hb’s. Put a soaking wet towel on the display so it makes contact, leave for 5 mins or so. Scrub with wet towel after soak time, then dry with microfiber. Works every time.

    Knoxville, IL.
    Posts: 208

    Limeaway & water mixed in a cup 75% water 25% Limeaway mixed well……dip a soft cloth in it rub softly then rinse well with water on a clean towel works every time!

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1123


    For the really hard water spots sometimes I have to use 50/50 vinegar and water.

    thanks for all the quick responses, I use this 50/50 ratio and the screen looks great.


    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    LCD TV/Computer screen cleaner, I buy it in a box with 50 individual pkged wipes and keep them in my glove compartment. Best Buy has them, I am sure Wally World, Target will as well

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