buying used lowrance electronics from ebay

  • boos1906
    Posts: 643

    Hey guys I need some help. I am looking to buy a gps for our boat. Just wondering whats your guys opinion is on buy used electronics. I know you are proablly thinking buy a hds. The problem is we will proablly be tradeing the boat off in a few years and I can’t afford hds right now. Here are the links to what I’m looking at.

    I know nothing about gps. Is everything there I need??? We currently ave a lowrance x125 on our boat. Is this a step up on the depth finder side. Thanks for the help guys.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    Lowrance LMS 320 GPS -Unit beeps but DOES NOT LIGHT UP WHEN TURNED ON- sold “as is”

    Expensive boat anchor.

    Posts: 4033


    Lowrance LMS 320 GPS -Unit beeps but DOES NOT LIGHT UP WHEN TURNED ON- sold “as is”

    Expensive boat anchor.


    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    Lowrance LMS 320 GPS -Unit beeps but DOES NOT LIGHT UP WHEN TURNED ON- sold “as is”

    Expensive boat anchor.


    Posts: 643

    Wow guys I totally missed that. That would be a expensive boat anchor. Would that second one be ok if you wanted just a gps and not a depth finder??

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    I’ve done it before, quite recently and it’s hit and miss. Nothing i hate more than going back and talking to a guy that I think is honest about a unit I bought that is acting up. You almost feel guilty about bringing it up. I’m done buying used electronics. Buy an Elite series LowrANCE OR A CHEAPER hUMMINBIORD AND BE DONE WITH IT. wARRANTY IN HAND. sORRY ABOUT THE CAPS too lazy to retype.

    Posts: 643

    Tanks for all the responses guys. I have decided to save up some more money and go with a new elite 5. Thanks again for the help guys

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