LCX 27

  • Whiskerkev
    Posts: 3835

    OK I need advice from the Lowrance group here. I have the above unit and I keep losing my GPS. Very annoying. I have replaced the network cable. I have power to the unit and the depth works fine. Do I need a new puck or is this wire related somehow. I thought I had a bad cable but replacing it has not fixed the problem. I have a network cable to a T to the puck. My boat is small and my puck is several feet away from my screen. There are times when my body and the boat motor put the puck into shade. I like the unit when it is working.

    Posts: 3239

    Do you ever get the module not responding message?

    I would say it is a clear view of the sky issue if it’s
    an intermittent problem and you’re not getting the module
    not responding message.

    Posts: 3835

    I am getting the module not responding message. I used to just run my hand held one on battery power. It was lower in the boat and never once lost the signal.

    Posts: 3239

    Check the network lead connections.

    Shield (non-insulated) and black to ground.

    If the connections look good you could have a faulty
    terminating resistor.

    Borrow someones puck and see if it still happens.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    Sounds like a bad puck. Have you tried disconnecting it and connecting it again when it is giving you that message?

    Also, have you kept up on the software updates for it?

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136


    I had this same issue, if you’re getting the in/out acquisition, and then sometimes at startup it never finds your position. For me, it was as simple as di-electric grease on the connections and seating the cable into the back of the 27 as far as it will go.

    I’m guessing though you’ve already checked this given how much you’ve torn into it. Good luck either way,


    Posts: 3835

    The cables are tight. I will try some grease first. I don’t know anyone who has a puck I can borrow. I also don’t know how to update the software. The problem is intermittent I don’t think it is a bad puck, you’d think if it went it would be gone period.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Hey kev ?

    is the WAAS enabled ? I had that when I first hooked up GPS.. I was told to turn it off and all the problems went away..

    MN Musky
    Ham Lake/Mille Lacs, Mn
    Posts: 120

    Almost everytime i set my smart phone near the puck on the dash mine say GPS Not responding. Then I move my phone and restart- no problem. Do you have any interfering electronics near the puck?

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309


    I also don’t know how to update the software.

    There is this thing Al Gore invented called the internet. You use that to download the update from Lowrance. Check the software version you are running and make sure it matches the version HERE And, yes, a bad puck can give you the intermittent no antenna message. Not usually, but I’ve read of people that solved that problem with a new puck. I believe it is a connection or software problem.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946


    If your in the area… Bring the unit over to my place and we can hook it up to where I have my 113hd and see how it operates..that should clear up some questions

    Posts: 3835

    Thanks everyone, I appreciate the help. I’ll keep you all posted. Funny thing is that using the old cable if I wiggled the connection of the network cable attached to the back of the unit it would come back sometimes which really to me screams bad cable. I’m sure when Al invented the web he didn’t intend such expensive equipment to need to be updated. It should work. My old PC at home I don’t think I have the attachment to do downloads to a little chip and I’d need a little chip to do the download to. I’ll try the grease first and to do Dave’s WAAS trick, It doesn’t really impact me all that much until I go to Red Wing in the spring. I’ve got a prop in the shop being customized for RPMs and I sure would like to know my speed. (other than slow)

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    You can pick up a simple card reader and a blank card at Wally World for under $20 to use for updates. Simple process to load the card and install in your unit. I could bring mine over when I take the boy back to school in late August.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    I got 20 cards and the know how to do the update. Sounds like time for you to come up and scout some duck hunting spots.

    You could try my LGC-4000 puck for the day as well and see if that fixes the problem.

    Posts: 3835

    Either that or you could bring your puck with you and we could see about some monster channel cats. My old prop was missing a plastic peice on the back of it and I’m seeing faster speeds with a new one on it. I took the hand me down prop from Joel and it is being modified to run in the ideal rpm range. I’d hate to ruin either of them on the river by Portage. I’m an inch and a half out of first place in the King of Cats so if you measure your unit and times it by two that would be what I need to take over first.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136


    Thanks everyone, I appreciate the help. I’ll keep you all posted. Funny thing is that using the old cable if I wiggled the connection of the network cable attached to the back of the unit it would come back sometimes which really to me screams bad cable. I’m sure when Al invented the web he didn’t intend such expensive equipment to need to be updated. It should work. My old PC at home I don’t think I have the attachment to do downloads to a little chip and I’d need a little chip to do the download to. I’ll try the grease first and to do Dave’s WAAS trick, It doesn’t really impact me all that much until I go to Red Wing in the spring. I’ve got a prop in the shop being customized for RPMs and I sure would like to know my speed. (other than slow)

    Same exact problem as mine had/has from time-to-time. First noticed it after the cable laid unconnected and some water got into the end, i’m sure corroding it a tiny bit. Grease, seat that baby as deep as it’ll let you, and hope for the best!

    If that doesn’t work, tell me what you did as I’ll likely be having to perform the same task in the next few months.


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