X-15 Update

  • stuwest
    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    Put in an X-15MT on my small boat. Seems to be working fine. It’s running on V2.2.0 currently.

    Updates are available on Lowrance.com.

    Determined that I had an early production model so V3.6.0 would be appropriate.

    Put it on an SD card and an MMC successfully.

    Put it in the slot as per instructions from L.com.

    Nothing. Unit comes on. Doesn’t seem to recognize that there is an exe file to read…

    Any suggestions??


    Stu West

    Women and Cats will do as they please.

    Men and Dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

    -Robert Heinlein

    Posts: 4033

    Call customer service.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    Well, you know Lowrance CS hasn’t been too responsive on Sat/Sun lately…

    Women and Cats will do as they please.

    Men and Dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

    -Robert Heinlein

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5901

    Stu, The size of the card might be in question. I’m using a 8 or 16 meg size card. My latest version for my early LCX15MT is 3.6.0

    the 3.7.0 is for a later model

    “LCX-15 MT Update Version 3.6.0
    Warning: This update is only applicable for early models of the LCX-15MT. When you power on the unit, if the loading screen states “We Lead. We Find. You Win.”, then this update does not apply to your LCX-15MT. If you see that statement on the loading screen, please do not use this update – instead, please download Version 3.7.0.”

    Did this help?

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254


    Thanks for writing. I don’t feel so alone anymore!!

    I have an early X-15MT also, so i used v.3.6.0 also. Put it on a 1G MMC. The unit recognizes the card and tells me what software files are on it, but nothing happens when you power up, i.e. it doesn’t run the ‘exe’ file to lay the 3.6.0 onto the OS of the X-15…

    This what is not happening:

    6. Place the MMC/SD card containing the updated operating software in the unit’s MMC/SD card tray.

    7. Turn your LCX-15 MT unit on. The software update will automatically install.

    Do you run SD or MMC or both cards in your machine??

    I also just found a blog reference to solving this problem by using a smaller SD card… maybe…

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5901

    Your Gig card is way too big and. I think the max was a 512 meg but don’t remember the max size right for sure right now. I have used maybe both 8 and 16 meg size cards MMC in the Scan Disc brand (is’t in the boat) for updates and mapcreate software to plug into the “B” slot. “A” slot has a Navitronics (sp) card in it.

    I’m going to put a new unit on the dash come first of next year, moving my 987 Bird to the bow (but I might replace it w/ a newer one as well)and am kicking around the idea of selling my 15mt (as opposed to setting it on the rear of the boat. I’m undecided untill the 2012 models come out.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    i agree, but when i went to eBay to order cards, i couldn’t find smaller ones.

    did you say you used an SD card??

    well, in any case, a dozen 512 SD cards coming for this unit. Should keep it in waypoints for a serious period of time. Plus, I can run them on my X-17M, pray, pray, pray…

    Kevin Savage
    Posts: 3

    Hi Stu,
    Read your posts on your LCX-15MT software updates. Do you have the version 3.6 update for the 15MT? Lowrance only offers the version 3.7 update for the later 15MT. Mine is the earlier and needs the 3.6 version update. Thanks!!

    Kevin Savage
    Posts: 3

    Read your posts on the early LCX-15MT software updates. Do you have the version 3.6 update for the 15MT? Lowrance only offers the version 3.7 update for the later 15MT. Mine is the earlier and needs the 3.6 version update. Thanks!!

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5901

    Kevin you got mail. I’m not sure if “stuwest” will be able to respond to your question.

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