HDS5 Just died??? HELP!!

  • Husker26
    Gretna, NE
    Posts: 143

    I’m out drifting in really calm wind this weekend and just staring at the sonar looking at depth changes and all of the sudden, it just went dead. I messed with all of the power sources and checked fuses, switched it over to a different battery and still nothing?? I’ve only used this thing for about 4 fishing trips so far and less than 30 hrs of use at the maximum. Any hints or diagnosis?

    Posts: 3239

    That’s a tough one. Is the retailer close enough so you can
    plug it into their demo plug-in to see if you get power

    Did you tape off all of the loose smaller gauge wires that
    aren’t being used?

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    Gretna, NE
    Posts: 143

    Luckily I’m really close to the Cabelas in town. That is going to be one of my first stops today when I get a chance. Other than that, I really don’t have any loose wires that aren’t being used, except for a really small white one that I have never figured out what it is for??? I’ve never had any problems with this unit before and it’s not like it was getting splashed with H20 so that’s what has me really concerned??

    Posts: 928

    Your best bet is to take it in and see if it works on their power source. It might be as simple as that. How old is the system and is it still under warranty? If it is, and the power doesn’t work at the shop then get it fixed then I would get some warranty work done.

    Gretna, NE
    Posts: 143

    I’m trying to remember the exact date I purchased it, but I’m thinking it was around 2 yrs old. Of course after the warranty is out

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    If you have someone near you who has an HDS unit you could try to connect their unit to your connectors to determine if it is the unit that is bad or if you have an electrical or battery issue.

    Gretna, NE
    Posts: 143

    Well, good news is it’s not the unit itself! Bad news, it’s my wiring on the boat!! Time to tear stuff apart again!

    Gretna, NE
    Posts: 143

    FIgured out it was the terminal on my ground wire! Frustrating but oh what a relief

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