hds 5 not showing water temp

  • sjc
    Posts: 28

    I just picked up an hds 5 and it is not displaying water temp. the unit displays 3 dashes where the water temp value should be. when I set up the unit i selected the hst-wsbl transducer option.

    so far i have updated to the 4.0 software and tried a different new transducer with no change in the display. any thoughts on why im not getting the water temp to display?

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    I can think of three possibilities.

    1. The ducer is an HS-WSBL instead of the HST-WSBL.

    2. The ducer is an HST-WSBL but the temp probe in the ducer is broken.

    3. You don’t have the overlay data set to display the Temp.

    Posts: 28

    overlay data was set to show water temp. transducer tag reads hst wsbl.

    I did a restart to factory defaults on the recomendation of a coworker and water temp now shows when testing in the garage. I asume that all is fine now just have to get the boat in the water to know for sure.

    Ken Sauret
    Paso Robles, California
    Posts: 164

    When you reset the unit it could be searching through the whole boat for a temp sensor to use. I’m assuming you have the HDT-WSBL that is plugged into that unit and you have another one somewhere in the boat.

    To get the unit to use the temp sensor that is plugged into the back of the unit instead of searching for one over the whole network hit menu twice, go to Network, Data sources, Sonar, go down to Water Temp and hit menu. Go to Scope and hit enter and change from Global to Local. Local means the unit will only look at the devices that are plugged into the unit. Now it should read the temp sensor in your ducer.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    Great tip Ken.

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