Lowrance H2O C hand held unit

  • tr
    Posts: 195

    I have had my unit for about 5 years. it no longer will hold the sattalites and just continues to search with the ? showing up. DOes anyone have any ideas for a fix?? I called the tech center at Lowrance and they had me soft reset it and that didnt work. She recomended i send it in for $150 plus shipping both ways. Id this option worth it??
    thanks for your help.

    Pepin county Wi
    Posts: 312

    I had the same problem with my 4 y/o unit. To me it wasn’t woth it to send it in. It found a new home in the trash yesterday. I also tried the soft and hard reset which neither worked.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    That’s a tough decision….
    Mine is 4 yrs old but I really like this unit..
    As long as it’s in otherwise good condition I myself would,(after a few questions),send it in.

    Kinda hard to find a new handheld that takes a chip for $150.

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