Shoot Through Hull Transducer?

  • TazTyke
    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    OK, So I am tired of replacing my Lowrance Transducer every year I since I have owned them. Lowrance says they is no issue but I the sporting goods stores say that they can’t keep them on the shelves half the time!

    The question is, do I replace it with another skimmer or do I go through the hull? I have no expireince with through hull but I would like to know if anyone has had any luck, good or bad, with them. Am I going to get the same with them as I would a skimmer? Can I even use it on a Aluminum hull?


    ottertail county
    Posts: 128

    buy an “airmar” brand transducer, they have to be ordered as i don’t think they are sold in stores. my lowrance trans hasn’t gone bad but my fiends did several times and he replaced lowrance with airmar.

    thru hull transducers have to be left in place and if one goes bad a new one will have to find another spot in the hull.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    I’ve used the same one for my 332C for 8 years, even running P-4 several times in the spring… You’ve had some bad luck.


    Can I even use it on a Aluminum hull?

    According to Lowrance( I asked)…no…glass hulls only.

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