HDS 4.0 update issue

  • turkeynate
    Posts: 187

    Hey Guys, I recently updated my HDS 8 and HDS 5 units with the 4.0 update. Lots of great updates that I really like, however on my HDS 8 I no longer can use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out or run through the options like I used to be able to do. Anybody else notice this issue? Thanks.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5843

    Nate and others on the CIA forum have some issues that I hope Ken Sauret and others of real knowledge could be of help!

    Denny O

    Posts: 4063

    Interesting I did both of mine without an issue

    Ken Sauret
    Paso Robles, California
    Posts: 164

    Hit Menu twice, go to System and hit enter, go down to Advanced and hit enter, go to User Interface and hit enter. Go to Enable Flywheel Scroll dial and hit enter to activate the Flywheel. (The small round circle will be colored blue if the option is enabled)

    It could be in the setup help that 4.0 walks everyone through, this is an option that is unchecked. I already had mine unchecked so I don’t know if the update would have unchecked it or not.

    Posts: 187

    Ken thanks for the help. I can use the scroll wheel in the menus but am still not able to zoom in and out on the main GPS screen. Do you know why they disabled this feature. I really liked it and used it a lot. I like the new updates as well, just wish I could have my scrolling zoom in/out feature back. Thanks!


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