Where to get a SD card < 2GB’s for upgrade?

  • Kdawg1966
    Posts: 55

    I’ve looked everywhere in town: Wallmart, Target, RadioShack, Best Buy… Most folks look at you like your crazy when you tell them that you want a card smaller than 2 G’s. Does anyone know where and what card specifically will do the trick? Thanks.

    Posts: 556

    Hey KDawg,

    Do you have a digital camera or know of someone with one that may have come with a small card? The few I’ve had have come with small cards that I’ve always replaced.

    I might have one laying around somewhere, or in an old camera box, but I wouldn’t be able to get it to you for over a week (work and immediately hooking up the 1850 for vacation / opener).

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’ve been down this road too and was unable to find a local source of the smaller cards in MPLS so I ordered them online. Hopefully someone else will have a source for you but if nothing pops up…

    Smaller Capacity SD Cards

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    probably going to have to go on-line and find one. Nobody carries small ones anymore. As you know, bigger is better. Here is one on Amazon. 512mb

    You can probably find cheaper though. That was the first one that popped up.

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1123

    Why would you want a sd card that small if you can get a larger one at a cheap price?

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    i believe there is a 2gb limit on the software that is on the Lowrance processor…

    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    If your close to me I can loan you a card so you can get the update installed. I am near the MOA.

    Posts: 55

    Thanks for the information. Mike and Wallgeye, I really do appreciate the offer, but I think I’ll just order online for the sake of convenience. Hopefully I can get my Lowrance working right before 2nd weekend. Good luck fishing guys!

    Lake Nebagamon Wisconsin
    Posts: 417

    Cabelas has them. Usually in the archery department because of the trail cameras – 1gig and up. Believe that they are $19.95. Had some difficulty in loading the card off the Lowrance site. Ended up using a friends 4.0 card and put both cards in the HDS8 and going to FILES and transferring the update from his updated card to my blank card. Worked like a charm…..it is a worthwhile update to install.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Nothing is ever easy.

    I have a number of cards laying around except the largest one was 128meg.

    Then I thought of my camera! 2 gigs! But when looking at it, it’s more of the slender cards (whatever they’re called). Thought I was going to have to spend the money. I know it’s not a lot but going to get it or buying one on line for only one use? Pain in the butt for me.

    Then I remembered the video camera came with a 4 gig card…BUT my card reader wouldn’t read it.

    USBed the camera to the computer and loaded the update right on the card from there.

    Plugged the 4 gig card into the first card slot, restarted and WHAMO, POW, SMASH!!

    Update installed!!

    Posts: 3239


    Cabelas has them. Usually in the archery department because of the trail cameras – 1gig and up. Believe that they are $19.95. Had some difficulty in loading the card off the Lowrance site. Ended up using a friends 4.0 card and put both cards in the HDS8 and going to FILES and transferring the update from his updated card to my blank card. Worked like a charm…..it is a worthwhile update to install.

    Didn’t the update start automatically from your friend’s

    Posts: 55


    , restarted and WHAMO, POW, SMASH!!


    I’m assuming Batman was involved and a fight ensued?

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309



    Cabelas has them. Usually in the archery department because of the trail cameras – 1gig and up. Believe that they are $19.95. Had some difficulty in loading the card off the Lowrance site. Ended up using a friends 4.0 card and put both cards in the HDS8 and going to FILES and transferring the update from his updated card to my blank card. Worked like a charm…..it is a worthwhile update to install.

    Didn’t the update start automatically from your friend’s

    It only auto starts if the card is in when you power up I believe.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    It only auto starts if the card is in when you power up I believe.

    That is correct….

    …and Robin.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046

    i just performed the upgrade on my HDS 5 last night, using a 2GB Sandisk card, and it worked fine.

    remember, you have to run the exe file after you download it, you can’t just copy that onto the card and start the unit up.

    1. download the file

    2. run the file on your PC

    3. it will prompt you to specify where to save the files it is about to extract.

    4. click browse and choose your SD card that is currently plugged into your PC

    5. click next, and it takes about 5-10 minutes for it to extract all of the data onto the SD card and finish the setup.

    6. when its done, unplug the SD card from your PC

    7. Make sure your graph is turned off, plug in the SD card
    boot up your graph

    8. the upgrade should start automatically, and takes about 5 minutes.

    9. after doing the upgrade, on the first bootup, it will prompt you to do the “first time setup”, i just selected no. and i checked all the settings, and it retained all of my custom settings and waypoints, etc, after the upgrade.

    one piece of advice, i would perform a backup of your waypoints/trails/routes before doing this….Just in case…

    to do that, put a blank SD card in your unit (you could use the same 2GB card you will do the install with, there will be plenty of room on it for everything)

    press the pages button until you get to the last option( i think its “files”) and from there you can export all of your data. just in case the unit bombs during the upgrade, you will have a backup of everything.

    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    Kdawg is trying to update an older LCX series Lowrance. A 37C I believe. Though Lowrance says cards up to 2gb in size work, he is having issues getting it to run off a 2gb chip and it was suggested he try a smaller card. Cards under 1-2gb are not real easy to find retail these days.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    On my old lcx15mt I have used 8 and 16 mb cards without any troubles.

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757

    8mb & 16mb are quite a bit smaller than 2 GB.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Good answer! Yep they are, just saying that has been what I used to update my Lowrances and the Bird.

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757

    Sorry Denny. I must have misunderstood your post. Thought you were indicating that you could use an SD card larger than 2 GB as you “have done it.”

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    No, I’m sorry as well, and sorry for the jest.

    I found out a way many years ago that if you use a card close to the file size that will help in enabling the transfer.

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