You set it on the tee, I just had to hit it.

Portage, WI
Posts: 3309
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Toys for Big Boys » Lowrance Electronics » HDS 4.0 Latest Update just released. 5/1/11
You set it on the tee, I just had to hit it.
and then a golf analogy to top it off…you’re cruel!
I don’t want to hijack the thread . Just another question ? I have an 8 and 5 hds.with side scan Went to download some waypoints to navionics hotmaps explorer and a popup came up and said hotmaps explorer out of memory . What can I do about this and how. Has anyone else tried this ? What is the best way to export waypoints. Maybe I did something wrong . I have downloaded lots of waypoints before with no problem. I never had a problem up loading them or downloading them before this new update 4.–The import worked great. Just not sure about the export.
Waypoints are saved to the internal memory of the HDS.
If you want to backup or export your waypoints you
should do that on a blank SD card and not a preprogrammed
mapping card.
I used a blank card and then downloaded them to the laptop to navionics hotmaps program . That is where the out of memory came up.
I used a blank card and then downloaded them to the laptop to navionics hotmaps program . That is where the out of memory came up.
Sorry James, I misunderstood your situation.
Do you think this is a 4.0 problem or is it possible that you have just coincidentally used all the free space available on the explorer software.
I don’t know . Maybe I downloaded the way points wrong or something . Could not find the proper way to download or export way points yet . They give you 4 choices to export and I’m not sure which one it right.
Got it fixed. Called Lowrance. Hope this helps someone sometime. When downloading way-points you have to use ( user data file version 2 no depth ) Then they will work on nav hot maps. Also found out the flywheel no longer works on the map to zoom in and out but it does work on the pallets screen .
Just downloaded the update so I have yet to try it. For those that have used it, does the performance increase make a big difference on panning or zooming redraw when using the lakemaster chips?
I have to say that is the biggest frustration I have with the HDS, waiting for the maps to redraw or rescale. Not sure why it needs to take so long on such expensive units.
Here is a link to the release note for the 4.0 update.
In here you will see that they have worked on the refresh rate on the mapping and alot of other great improvements. These notes can be found on the page where you would download the update. Just scroll down the page and look for “release notes”. Everyone should read these so when you update your units with a new update you will know what to look for and how these improvements may help your fishing.
Thanks Ken. I saw the release notes but it does not state anything about lakemaster legacy map chips (ie 2010 version) but does specifically call out naviaonics and insite…thus why I had the question. Anyways, after this past weekend it looks like it is faster for the lakemaster legacy chips as well.
Charting speed improvements
Insight andNavionics
As I’ve stated before, I’m likely the only person in the US that using the navigator page and routes…but there’s been a number of changes on this page that makes it much easier to see when turns are coming up and where I’m at.
Ken, give the guy responsible for the navigation page a BIG HUG for me!!
I have 3 HDS7’s on my boat.The first unit it worked great, the second and third it went through the download but my screens are messed up. On the menu page it shows lines no text, when you shut it off it says poweng of instead of powering off. Help
I just completed this the other night at home on my HDS10..
At home it sure seems to move thru the screens a lot quicker… and the soft keys for favorites… that should be nice too…
I just completed this the other night at home on my HDS10..
At home it sure seems to move thru the screens a lot quicker… and the soft keys for favorites… that should be nice too…![]()
Try to keep up Dave. No hip excuses allowed!!
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