
  • AllenW
    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Just looking, I see HDS-8 basemap units running about $1500 or so, is this the unit with out side scan and basic GPS details?
    I’d rather pass on side scan now and use a lakemap chip if possible.
    I think it’s the non Insight version??

    Also if needed, can I run the GPS puck from my LCX27C with this unit in case the internal puck doesn’t work as well?

    As much as I’m having doubts, it’s the lowrance units I like over the HB’s.


    Posts: 3239

    StructureScan is an add-on to the HDS lineup. It is not
    an integral part of any of these units.

    It is 3000 compatible if you need it.

    Best Pricing HDS-8

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    As much as I’m having doubts, it’s the lowrance units I like over the HB’s.

    Who hacked your Ido account Al?

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895



    As much as I’m having doubts, it’s the lowrance units I like over the HB’s.

    Who hacked your Ido account Al?

    Thanks Dan.
    Ya, I thought I’d never go back to lowrance, but I like the screen on the lowrance better and the LCX27C’s I have been using seem like good units..expect for the transducers..:)

    Still not decided, but it was customer service that PO’d me and not so much the product.

    Be nice to get out on the water with both a lowrance and HB unit and actually see how they work/perform.


    Posts: 4062

    Al have you done any software upgrades to you LCX 27 Units?

    Southern Wisconsin
    Posts: 113

    I have just upgraded to the HDS 5 and 7 and my 3000 puck worked just fine. Don’t forget though you will have to add another t to the network and a power node as the HDS does not power the NMEA 2000 network. I found out the hard way. I love my HDS.

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    No issues with the internal GPS on my HDS yet, aquiers alot faster than my old pucks did, can’t recall ever loosing signal yet.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    Al have you done any software upgrades to you LCX 27 Units?

    Up to about 6 months or so ago I was current with whatever upgrades they put out, not sure which ones I did but haven’t looked lately as the units are working fine for me.

    Good to hear the internal puck works fine, thanks.

    Thinking a HDS8 would be nice on the console and I’d use the 27C on the bow and have a spare 27C then.

    Now just to find a extra $1600

    Posts: 15

    No problems with gps signal on my HDS 7.

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216


    No problems with gps signal on my HDS 7.

    Ditto, no problem with my 7 picking up GPS signal in my garage…

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895



    No problems with gps signal on my HDS 7.

    Ditto, no problem with my 7 picking up GPS signal in my garage…

    Good to hear, thanks.

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