Anyone with an LCX series Lowrance sonar who does not have the broadband sounder and network expansion port but have thought of it, listen up.
While driving home from Cabela’s the GF saw big sign over door of Lakevile GM store advertising 70% off stuff. We turned around and went to take a look, I was half thinking it was a store closing. Nope a remodeling sale instead.
Anyways, as of about 8 pm tonight they had at least 3 LBS-1 broadband sounders with $449 pink price tags on them. The pink tags should take it to mid $200’s or so. Your supposed to get another %60 off at the register.Not bad for a unit that lists at $600!
They also had at least 3 of the NEP-1 network expansion ports with $129 tags on them eligible for %60 off at the register. All of the sale stuff was to the right as you walk in, saw some misc lowrance cables like a blue to red adaptor for $20, and some transducer cable extensions.
I had to resist the urge to buy and resell. I have both on my boat already.
I know alot of HDS owners out there already, but for someone with the LCX still, this is a sweet deal!
Thought I would share!