Lowrance Setup Settings

  • Gary Satosky
    Posts: 1

    Have my first Lowrance. Its a Elite 5x a middle of the road fish finder. Need some help trying to get the sensitivity setup right. I fish in the Chesapeake Bay. I have tried auto -4 +4 still have alot of clutter.Should Iuse manual and take it all the way down and don’t know much about noise rejection and surface clarity what they should be on. Sure could use some help thanks.

    Posts: 24714

    Noise reduction and surface clarity, if they are both on, then you will remove a lot of the noise you are seeing provided you are on auto sensitivity -4 and not +4.
    Im not familiar with Chesapeake Bay and not sure what you are fishing for, but if you are fishing in deep water and do not care or need to mark returns in the upper 10 feet of the water column, then go ahead and turn on the noise reduction and surface clarity. It does tend to reduce the amount of bait, etc that you may see on the screen though.

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