Lowrance HDS7 Gen2

  • Steve Whisnant
    Posts: 1

    I hope someone out there can help me! The electronics on my boat are outdated. After a lot of research I’m purchasing a new trolling motor (Motor Guide Xi5). I’m also purchasing two Lowrance HDS 7 Gen2’s. This is where my confusion starts. I’m told to purchase a HDS 7 Gen2 (bundle). What does the bundle consist of? Told to purchase NMEA 2000 starter kit (understand this purchase). Cabela’s has a promotion…(Purchase any PinPoint GPS equipped Xi5 trolling motor and eligible Lowrance HDS unit and receive a FREE Motor Guide PinPoint GPS Gateway Kit). Is the Gateway Kit a good deal? Do I need it. Know it is a $250 item. I would appreciate any help!!

    eldora, iowa
    Posts: 426

    To my knowledge, the bundle includes the sonar hub and transducer for side scan and down imaging. You need the rest to connect your Xi5 to your HDS so they can talk to each other. Maybe this will help,

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    The bundle will come with your standard 2D sonar transducer and the structure scan transducer. So over the normal unit with xducer you are getting the structure scan xducer.

    The NMEA starter kit and the Gateway Kit is needed to hook up the Xi5 to the HDS.

    If you want to share sonar, waypoints and mapping chips you will need an Ethernet cable(yellow end). Enjoy the new toys!!

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