Lowrance HDS-9 Gen3?

  • toddrun
    Posts: 513

    Wondering if someone can tell me the limitations of the Lowrance HDS-9 Gen3 unit? The reason I ask is that I see a lot of these for sale, so I assume there is something out of date technology wise on these units that people are upgrading.

    I am looking to add side imaging to my boat, and I have never spent the $$$ on the latest and greatest, but want something functional. I was looking at the Ti2’s. From what I can tell, the HDS Gen3’s are very similar to the Ti2’s, better in some ways, worse in others. But I cannot put my head on why so many of the Gen3’s are for sale right now.

    I also considered the Garmin, but my boat is already wired up for a Lowrance Elite9 CHIRP, so I can use the same power cable and just replace the transducer with the right generation HDS or the Ti2.

    Posts: 1250

    I run a HDS 9 Gen 3 in my boat and love it. It has a pretty good sidescan and downscan. I haven’t felt the need to upgrade it yet to the Lowrance Live. The HDS Live units are upgraded to provide a better image. There isn’t enough of a difference IMO to pay the difference. I can depict everything I’m seeing on my sidescan and feel no need to spend 40% more for the “live” Version.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    These are great units Toddrun. I wouldn’t shy away from them at all. Very current and best 2D sonar on the market. That’s not an opinion either.

    I know Anglers (soon to be me I’m afriad) right now that are running Garmin panoptix, Humminbird Side Imaging and Lowrance HDS Gen3 for their 2D… all in the same boat.

    They want the best of the best and that means going with different companies.

    Posts: 104

    One of my graphs is a 9 gen 3. I have no problems. Bought fairly new from a guy that wanted to replace with a 12” gen 3

    I have it working together with my 7” gen 3 and 10” gen 2

    I’m sure newer stuff has more options and capabilities but my graphs work good for me.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18865

    The “older” units always go on steep discount when the new stuff comes out. I bought a Lowrance HDS Carbon with a totalscan transducer for half price last year when the Lowrance Live units came out. I’m sure the Live units will run their course and go on clearance when the next version comes out. The amount of money it takes to keep up with marine electronics technology is mind boggling. I don’t know how the average angler can even afford to keep upgrading year after year.

    Posts: 513

    Thanks guys, that supports what I am finding doing my own research. Just can’t figure out why so many are for sale. I would guess they are jumping to LIVE, but I agree, not sure the better technology matches the upgrade $$$’s. But I don’t have to worry about that.

    Now just need to figure out what transducer is the best with that unit. My understanding is that I can keep my current transducer as well for the 2D, and put a Y-connector. Of if I get the correct transducer, my 2D is not required.

    Rogers, MN
    Posts: 1178

    The only issue with Gen3 is that there are two newer generations – Carbon and Live. They are fantastic units.

    Posts: 1250

    The only issue with Gen3 is that there are two newer generations – Carbon and Live. They are fantastic units.

    Why does that make it an issue? When the gen 3 units are just as good… Like others stated, I paid less than half for mine after it went on clearance because the Carbon came out. The difference is so little it’s not worth twice the price…

    Posts: 12956

    Like stated it is because there are two newer versions out. Good solid unit. The only down side is they will eventually stop making software updates and networking newer units with it will get tougher as the manufactures want you to buy new as well. I think you will be happy with the unit itself.

    Cody Meyers
    Posts: 470

    I don’t like the mapping and the imaging on them as much as the Birds. I’ll be going a different direction next time I buy electronics.

    Posts: 513

    After a bit more digging, it does appear to have a slightly different power cord than my Elite 9 CHIRP, so nothing saved there. So I think I will keep waiting for a fire sale on the Elite 9 Ti2 and buy new. Thanks for the input though.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6757

    Not to sway your decision but double check that they are different. To my knowledge unless they changed the power cord for the new elite Ti. I have an old elite di that has the same power cord as my newer HDS Gen3. And as stated I love mine for the 2d, and I’m not a good judge on the side and down cause I honestly have not figured them out yet.

    Posts: 158

    Perhsps the reason so many are being sold is a compatability issue when linking to other units. My carbon and live units are fine linked together, but when i hook up my hds gen2 the carbon and live go to into legacy mode or something and the display indicates all the units will not work well together. Dont know if gen3 has the same compatibility issues

    Posts: 12956

    I believe but do not quote me that gen 3 is still compatible but guessin it will not be when the next series comes out.

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