Lowrance HDS-12 Gen3 – Unresponsive Touchscreen

  • bluegill11
    Posts: 28

    I have a Lowrance HDS-12 Gen3 with touchscreen completely unresponsive. Here are the attempts I’ve made to resolve this issue:

    -Performed a soft reset
    -Performed a hard reset
    -Powered the unit on with the transducer connected
    -Powered the unit on without the transducer connected
    -Made certain I was connected to a minimum of 12VDC
    -Made certain my positive and negative connections are tight

    I even tried a few other suggestions Lowrance mentions in YT videos for other units, such as setting the transducer on the floor and toucching the negative battery post but none of these solved the issue.There are times when hitting the power button with the unit on, the screen would read “Touch Enabled” but still nothing. I sent Lowrance a message (8/28) to see what they had to say so I’m waiting for their response. As a side note, everything else with this unit works perfectly fine.

    I know this has been an ongoing problem for many owners with this model and thought I’d see if anyone came up with a definitive solution.

    Thank you in advance.

    Rudy Albrecht
    Posts: 2

    Similar problem with my HDS9 Carbon except it will have touchscreen capability for first few minutes, then the unit seems hot to the touch and I no longer have touchscreen use.

    Posts: 28

    Yea I’ve read other models were affected too. Lowrance never did get back with me, but they sent me an auto-generated link to rate their handling of my issue (they got a 1 star).

    On another forum, I was told to just update the software to the latest available with an SD card. Hope that works.

    Rudy Albrecht
    Posts: 2

    Thanks… For what is out of pocket for these units, at this point I’ll try anything!

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    Does the screen make it to the safety message and then touch won’t work to get past it? I have had that happen and recalibrating the touch points did the trick and works great again. If that is what happening I will look around for the instructions on how to do it.

    Posts: 28

    The system loads up all pages correctly but I have to use the side button panel to advance to other pages. I’ve tried the calibration method (explained in the YT video below) but it does no good.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    Sorry mine was a gen 2 and follow these instructions and the unit started working fine. May want to try.

    Calibration Procedure:
    1) With the HDS Gen2 Touch unit off, press and hold the waypoint key (indicated by the flag icon) and then power on the unit.
    2) Continue holding the waypoint key for approximately 10 seconds, until you hear a two tone beep.
    3) Release the waypoint key and follow the calibration instructions on the screen.
    4) When the calibration procedure is done, the unit will boot as normal.

    We look forward hearing back from you.

    Posts: 28

    Thank you for the instructions. Mine is a Gen3 and the procedure didn’t seem to work, so I believe I’m going to wait until my new SD card arrives so I can download/update the software and go from there.

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