Lowrance Elite 3x – Anyone running this unit?

  • Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    I found a screaming deal on a Lowrance Elite 3x with summer and winter ducers for $170

    Curious if anyone has any feedback

    Posts: 420

    It’s basically the x67c which I have used for the last 6-7 years. I love the unit. My x67c just died so I’m looking to replace it. I was leaning toward up-sizing to the elite 4x but at that price I may stick with the 3x. where did you find it at that price?

    edited to add: there is also a $50 rebate available on the elite 3x until the end of February: http://www.cabelas.com/assets/pdfs/lowrance_ice_machine_rebate_2-28-15.pdf

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Nice! I have never used it, but I used an X67c for years, both summer and winter, and loved it. I sold it with my boat–kinda regretting that.

    Posts: 493

    That is a great deal! You be great for small boat also and having both ducers and everything you need for that price is crazy! Who would buy a regular old flasher with a package like this? !

    Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    Well the reality is they are nice, but the power output is 180W RMS. If you were around a ton of guys running LX5’s or better you’d probably be on the rough side of interference. I just got mine, I”ll bring it to my next tourney to test

    Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    Well the reality is they are nice, but the power output is 180W RMS. If you were around a ton of guys running LX5’s or better you’d probably be on the rough side of interference. I just got mine, I”ll bring it to my next tourney to test next to my LX5 with 10k people!

    m c
    Posts: 1

    I talked myself into getting this package and am extremely disappointed. Got it from Hodges for $220 and change, Hodges was excellent. Lowrance has been a major problem, been working with them for three weeks trying to get some issues straightened. Without any success. For example, went around and around with them trying to figure out why water temp wasn’t showing on screen. After two weeks of dialogue and tweaks, they inform me it doesn’t have water temp with ice transducer. No mention of that anywhere in literature or otherwise. Can’t see my lure on screen, now it infrequently shows up. What’s point using if can’t see where jig is? Depth keeps changing, when first set transducer in water, it runs depth to 800 feet. I’m in 10-30 feet. Then depth keeps changing beyond actual depth on screen, and changes constantly while bottom on screen stays uniform. Trying to get support from Lowrance is essentially non-existent. Two plus days for response, they don’t seem to read what I typed to them, then poor response, with the temp issues is only a starter. My advice would be to avoid this piece of equipment, it’s junk, and support from Lowrance is even worse. Nice looking carrying case though, but not worth the expense, based on my experience.

    Posts: 420

    No doubt the operating manuals that come with the Lowrance products are less than useful. it might help to play with the settings to fine tune things. I assume the menu for elite 3x is similar to the x67c — here’s how I had my x67c set up…

    Graph Mode:
    Auto Sensitivity: Off (use manual sensitivity to adjust so you jig is just a small line that runs across the screen. Usually 85%-95%, depending on depth). You may want to play with your Colorline to get an visual that works for you.

    Auto Depth: Off

    Chart Speed: 100%

    Ping Speed: 100%

    Sonar features:
    a) Surface Clarity: High
    b) Noise Rejection: High (important if you’re going to be fishing near another flasher)
    c) Sonar Chart Mode: ice fishing
    d) Fish ID Symbols: Off

    Zoom: X4

    Posts: 19582

    look for a new/used Elite-4 with GPS instead, you can find them super cheap and then add the Lowrance Ice Pack to make an awesome little ice fishing electronics package.

    Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    I actually swapped out the head unit and tried an Elite 4 and then found an M68c head unit and gimbal on eBay for $50. That is on there currently and it works nice for a secondary unit

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