Lowrance 332C

  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I have a Lowrance 332C and I am trying to get the GPS working, the problem I am having that the cable from the puck does not match up with the network plug in the unit. From what I understand I need a tee connector to hook the two up, is this correct and if so anyone know where I can get my hands on a tee connector.

    1. LOWRANCE.jpg

    2. unnamed.jpg

    Posts: 24714

    The easiest thing for you to do would be to buy a NMEA 2000 starter kit. It will include 2 terminators, 2 T Connectors and an extension cable along with the power supply that actually powers the GPS puck.
    You can find them at all sorts of locations, Reeds always has a good supply, but Cabelas (online) would be able to set you up too.
    What you will end up doing with all those connectors is put a terminator on one of the T Connectors and the extension cable which will go to your 332. The other T connector you will plug in the puck and the power supply. You actually connect both of the T connectors together by plugging in a male end from one to a female from the other. Might not be explaining it real well, but once you think about it the pieces will fall into place.

    Posts: 3239

    You’re not supposed to plug an antenna into the back of a unit.

    You must have a 3000 puck in your hands. Do you have the Y cable
    that came with the 332?

    You can adapt to use a red network antenna with a blue device with an
    adapter cable. I think you can plug the adapter into the Y cable.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    You must have a 3000 puck in your hands. Do you have the Y cable
    that came with the 332?

    Yes my puck is a 3000, no Y cable the guy I bought it from only used the sonar and not the GPS so he did not have any of the hardware for the GPS.

    Posts: 24714

    I bought a used 332 a number of years ago that had the puck and NO additional wires/cables. I had to buy a NMEA 2000 starter kit to get it going which is what I described earlier. It can be had for around $70.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    You need a NMEA 2000 starter kit, a blue to red adapter, and probably an extra “T” for the network if the blue to red adapter does not come with one. In total, you’ll need three “T’s”, two terminators, and a power supply node (which you’ll need to connect to a 12v power source) on your NMEA 2000 network. The GPS puck will plug directly into one of the T’s on the NMEA 2000 network, but you’ll need the blue to red adapter to connect the display to the network.

    The 332 runs on the old Lowrance “blue” network, which is why you need the adapter. Your GPS puck runs on the Lowrance “red” network, which is exactly the same thing as a NMEA 2000 network (so the puck is perfectly compatible with the NMEA network that you will build with the starter kit).

    Posts: 3239

    The power cable that comes with the 332 will power the network but you can
    do a separate power node in case you upgrade to the HDS line some day.

    Posts: 24714

    The power cable that comes with the 332 will power the network but you can
    do a separate power node in case you upgrade to the HDS line some day.

    That’s right. Forgot about that. You can splice in to that power supply to power the NMEA.

    Art Green
    Posts: 733

    Don’t forget the switch to turn off the power to the network. Turning off the 332 will not turn off the network power.

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