Lower unit leaking on 60HP Mercury

  • Reef W
    Posts: 3192

    Last time I used my boat there was no oil slicks or anything and then it sat in my driveway for a week. Today when I finally put it in the garage, and lowered the motor, it leaked a bunch of gear lube. I attached a picture of where it’s coming out.

    It’s a 2015 (maybe 2014) and I’ve never taken off the lower unit. I assume I need a “Lower Unit Seal Kit” right? Is there anything in particular to look for while it’s apart or anything else that’s worth doing down there at the same time?

    And I know my garage is disgusting and boat/motor looks like poop from driving on dirt all the time lol

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    Posts: 12780

    Hard to tell where it is leaking from. But if you are taking off lower unit may as well do the impeller.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3192

    Hard to tell where it is leaking from. But if you are taking off lower unit may as well do the impeller.

    My arrow doesn’t show up too well with all the crap in the background but it’s coming out of the seam between the lower unit and the upper part of the motor on the side facing the boat.

    Thanks for mentioning the impeller, just looked that up and I guess I’m a bit overdue…

    Lou W
    Posts: 206

    I don’t think thats gear oil leaking that high up. Might be engine oil. Gear oil typically just goes to the top of the torpedo bulge housing the prop shaft/gears/clutch

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    Pull your lower unit and take a closer look. It’s very easy to do, and while you are in there replace the impeller. That should be done every couple years. But oil in that spot probably isn’t from the lower unit. Mostly likely coming down the motor instead of going up the motor.

    Posts: 270

    You should be able to smell the difference between gear oil and engine oil

    Reef W
    Posts: 3192

    I haven’t had a chance to look at it much yet but it’s greenish, pretty sure it’s not motor oil. I don’t really understand how it leaked out once I lowered the motor though. Guess I just need to take apart and see what’s going on. Thanks for the advice everyone.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3192

    Finally dropped the lower unit. It’s full of water and the top end is full of oil. It’s green gear oil pooled in every crevice on the top of lower unit.

    So… What do I take apart next?

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    Posts: 3915

    Reef, under the water pump there is a plastic housing that has the upper lower unit seals in it, you can buy a complete pump kit that will have it in it.
    After cleaning the area up, pry the seal housing out and install the new one in its place.
    The housing already has the seals in it but you may have to select the proper O-ring from the kit on it.
    Replace the shift shaft seal while you are at it, it will have to be ordered separately.
    Before I forget, clean the drive shaft and lightly grease it and the seals before you install the new housing, and be gentle going over the flat spot where the impeller key goes so you dont wreck the new seals.

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