LOTW Reports

  • Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5322

    Heading up in a week. Sounds like fish all over the place from deep to shallow and even moving into the river. Would really like to find a shallow crank bait or a jigging bite.

    If anyone has reports it would be great to hear them. We’ll be staying at Sportsman’s with a couple of boats so we can cover water.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    My parents are up there this entire week for a tournament, I should have a report for you later this week.

    It got below freezing there last night and tonight is expected to be even colder.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    Sorry Matt I had the week wrong. They aren’t going until Friday and will be up there all next week instead.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5322

    We don’t get their until next Wednesday – if they have any weekend reports let me know. Long term forecast looks like really stable and good weather. We timed it really well this spring…hoping for the same luck next week!

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    Ok will do

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1528

    I am up working in Warroad now and got out for a couple hours yesterday. Jigged a couple reefs and put a handful topside. Biggest being a 24″ We brought lead with but havent tried it, just jigging so far with frozen shiners and fatheads. Will be back out in a couple hours, will let you know what we find.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1528

    Caught a few more yesterday afternoon jig fishing and one on lead out by 16 mile. Wind picked up pretty good while we were out there which caused a nice 2hr wet ride back to Warroad. We were going to fish closer too shore but with the wet clothes and cold we called it a day when we got back in. We did talk to a guy that fished the river and said they did good, not sure what part though but assuming towards the mouth as he mentioned a fair amount of boats fishing the gap. We did see charter/non charter boats coming back from the angle, so seems they are still making the run North. That lake sure can turn in a hurry, went from pretty calm calm to 3-4′ rollers in a hurry.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5322

    Awesome – thanks for the reports.

    Keep ’em coming!!!

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5322

    Heading up tomorrow – any final reports?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    My parents primarily trolled deeper water with lead core and spinners. They may be forced to fish in the river or the river mouth today because of the wind though. Its a hurricane out there.

    Bear in mind they are pre-fishing for a tournament later this week so they are not interested in catching small keeper sized fish. They sacrifice bites to go after big fish only.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5322

    That’s good – I had heard bigger fish are deeper still. We’ll chase some eaters but I’m interested in getting into bigger fish.

    Posts: 13092

    My good buddie was just there this past weekend. He says fish are a little in transition so there are fish all over. Jigged shallower and caught mostly smalls. Trolled deeper and did ok for some larger fish. Overall he said fishing was ok. He fishes LOTW a good amount. He did land a sturgeon didn’t get the details on that yet just a pic.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5322

    We were up last weekend and did pretty well. Not much wind so we were able to run all over the lake. Had our best luck up near the islands jigging. Depths were all over the place from 12-30′. Sometimes fish were on top and sometimes at the bottoms of the breaks. Moved around a lot so I would agree the fish were in transition. A lot of small fish but nice limits each day. About a dozen fish from 24-27″.

    Also caught smallies and eyes up shallow on wind blown points with cranks. With the right wind and some clouds we caught them up into 2-3′ of water banging cranks on the rocks.

    MTT tournament was also going on. Sounds like the big fish came on leadcore out in the deep mud (30-35′). We didn’t give leadcore a run – just don’t like fishing that way.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    MTT tournament was also going on

    The winning team had over 80 pounds on 10 fish. That’s a pretty absurd average size fish. And they aren’t those skinny 27 inchers you see from Mille Lacs either so the weights may actually be pretty accurate from a converted length.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5322

    I saw that – the fish out there are tanks. They remind me more of river fish so my guess is it’s pretty accurate. 28″-30″ fish aren’t that uncommon but we seem to catch a bunch in the 25-27″ range.

    We saw very few tourney boats where we were at. Sounds like they were way out on main lake mud flats. Only time we ran across the lake (from Long Point to Knight Island) was Saturday and the tourney was over.

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