• grizzly
    Posts: 1073

    would like everyones thoughts on camping and fishing on the west of LOTW around Warroad, allways stayed and put in on the river by wheelers point. wanting to camp and fish from after July 4th till Oct. off and on, just wondering if its easier to get out if you have some wind and by the map I have it looks a little shallower at that end, or do you have to run farther in the boat? just don’t no anything about that area and looking for some info and advise please. thanks in advance

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Don’t know anything about warroad, just know you can always fish the river on windy days.

    Thief River Falls, MN
    Posts: 44

    There are plenty of good spots to fish close to Warroad…Elm, Buffalo Point and Whiskey flats just to name a few. Very easy access out of the public access in Warroad too. You can catch limits in July and August in 8-15 feet.

    Posts: 1073

    thanks Hayden, is it any better over there as far as if the wind is blowing and being able to get out and fish? I have a 21 ft. boat, my wife just hates the wind

    Thief River Falls, MN
    Posts: 44

    A north, northeast, and east wind are usually the worst for the Warroad area. If you don’t mind driving through waves then you could find a spot to tuck away along the shore to escape most wind directions. I have an 18.5 foot boat and it does fine in windy conditions. I have never gone out of wheelers but I would assume it is similar with the wind blowing.

    Posts: 1073

    are there good boat ramps at springsteel or warroad estates if I can camp there?

    Thief River Falls, MN
    Posts: 44

    I believe both places offer camping options but I’m not 100% sure. Both places have nice marinas and boat ramps. Warroad estates has a really nice golf course also, if you like to golf. Hope this helps!

    Posts: 1073

    thanks for the info Hayden, trying to get a camping spot for next year but a lot of them are full. hoping one opens up

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