Hey guys! long time user of the site but haven’t created an account until now.. First night on the ice tonight at the st. croix river. Walked out of Lakeside park at about 430pm. By the time I got out to my spot and set up about 20 min later I realized my rod case had fallen out of the sled containing all my rods.. Including two that were my fathers.. I know its a long shot but I am posting everywhere I can in hopes of retrieving it. I will be going back tomorrow morning in the light to make sure its not out there.. but if whoever picked it up happens to see this.. PLEASE! Those rods mean more to me than just another rod and I will give you a reward no questions asked. The case itself is the cabelas double sided fly rod case. its Green and about 35 inches long. Again if anyone found it I will give a reward no questions asked. It feels shitty knowing that it was not in my sight for less than 20 min and somebody picked it right up.

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