Losing MPG's

  • ClownColor
    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Is anyone experiencing lose in MPG’s lately (or this winter)? Fuel blends? SA switch to Speedy and wondering if they use a different winter blend?

    I typically get around 300 miles on my truck (not empty, just low) but I’m nervously getting around 200…

    The reason I ask is I’m really hoping the winter blend is affecting my MPG and not something with my truck LOL.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009

    Same every winter. Usually 2-3 MPG’s for me. Winter blend differs to avoid smog.

    edit-found this-

    Winter gas is more volatile and evaporates more quickly, so it is ideal for it is used in the colder air of winter. In terms of gas mileage, you get better mileage on summer blends than winter blends because the summer blend gasoline has about 2% greater energy value than winter blend.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22144

    Yeah my truck is the same.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Yep. Also, we tend to let our vehicles warm up more and use 4WD more.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1854

    Extended idling times greatly reduce miles/ tank.
    Depending on your situation, that may be part of your issue.
    I know my truck has idled a lot in the last couple months.
    I’ve never really noticed a seasonal difference in gasoline.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22144

    Yep. Also, we tend to let our vehicles warm up more and use 4WD more.

    Yup there is that. And I drive like a hound 16 year old boy and find my self drifting every road near home. Cant imagine that helps.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13915

    Gas or diesel?

    I have diesel and like above, see a reduction by maybe 2mpg. Biodiesel blends seem to be the worst. I avoid them like the plague.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Gas or diesel?

    I have diesel and like above, see a reduction by maybe 2mpg. Biodiesel blends seem to be the worst. I avoid them like the plague.

    Gas…it’s flex fuel motor but that crap aint seeing my tank either. Always running 87. I’ve just never noticed such a drop and the only big change is I’m using Speedy Gas vs SA gas.

    I’m gonna fill’er up tonight, check tire pressures, try a nearby Holiday and cut back on my morning 20 minute warm-up idles LOL…we’ll see if I can raise it from current 12 mpg back to my 15.5 mpg!

    Joking aside, what a difference 3.5 mpg makes on a tank.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Air densities play a role with fuel usage and also aerodynamics to a greater extent than you think. As does added friction as the temp drops. The last factor is the blend of fuel, which was already brought up.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22144

    I’m gonna fill’er up tonight, check tire pressures, try a nearby Holiday and cut back on my morning 20 minute warm-up idles LOL…we’ll see if I can raise it from current 12 mpg back to my 15.5 mpg!

    Joking aside, what a difference 3.5 mpg makes on a tank.

    Drops me from 400 to 300 miles per tank. At least that’s what it says when I fill it up. Honestly I dont pay much attention being it’s my personal truck and I drive it on weekends when work truck is parked

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    And I drive like a hound 16 year old boy and find my self drifting every road near home. Cant imagine that helps.

    Doing doughnuts in our cul-de-sac doesn’t help, either. rotflol

    Posts: 16

    I have also noticed a drop but assumed it was using my remote start and being in auto-4×4 most of the time.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1374

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    And I drive like a hound 16 year old boy and find my self drifting every road near home. Cant imagine that helps.

    Doing doughnuts in our cul-de-sac doesn’t help, either. rotflol

    I’m glad I’m not the only one!! grin

    I lose about 2-3 mpg’s every winter. I just assumed it was the amount of time I let the truck warm up. 10-15 minutes in the morning, and 10 minutes at work. almost half hour a day just idling..

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    I had to research Speedway gas as I’m sorta weird about what I put in my engine…I like to stick with Top Tier Gasoline. Come to find out, Speedway is NOT top tier (current findings unless someone see’s something different) and that too may have affected my gas mileage some (maybe????). Kinda sucks that SA (which was Top Tier) got bought out by a non-top tier company as this gas station is perfect for me on my route to and from work…guess I’ll be driving half a mile to the Holiday station!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009

    Its not warm ups. Its the gas.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1854

    When you let your truck warm up you’re effectively getting 0 miles per gallon. No matter what gas, you’ll get less mileage per gallon or tank if you let your truck run while not rolling.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Its not warm ups. Its the gas.


    Yeah, I’m sure it’s “not” the warm ups…

    But, It’s always good to know what you are sticking in your gas tank and for the same price per gallon, I’ll be seeking out better gas!

    Posts: 699

    Check your tire pressure too.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18861

    Check your tire pressure too.

    That is a very valid point blackbay. Obviously colder air contracts which reduces tire air pressure which can alter mileage significantly.

    You could always fill up with a higher octane fuel too. It costs more, but you’ll get better performance too.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    You can always increase your gas mileage just drive down hill all the time, raise the rear end higher then the front…… yay woot toast

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12267

    In addition to tire pressure, check your air filter and airbox for a mouse nest!.

    Those little buggers love to crawl in engines and build a big ol wad of whatever into a nest. I actually have found a mouse nest in my airbox in a vehicle that was kept in the garage. No idea how or where the mice came from, but luckily no other damage was done.

    You could always fill up with a higher octane fuel too. It costs more, but you’ll get better performance too.

    Automotive urban legend. Higher octane is LESS volatile. The benefit of higher octane is for high compression engines because the lower volatility prevents detonation or “knocking” that occurs with the use of lower octane (more volatile) fuel. The less-volatile fuel with higher octane resists detonation and therefore stops pinging.

    Because high compression engines are found in performance cars which demand higher octane fuel to run well, so began the urban legend that higher octane automatically equals higher performance. The only performance benefit from higher octane fuel in a standard engine will be if the fuel contains less or no ethanol.


    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4006

    I notice a drop in my MPG on this last tank that I got from Speedway. They might have a different blend. I normally fill up at Kwicktrip or Holiday (that just because they are the easiest stop on my normal route).

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    I don’t see it as much these days, but people used to use radiator covers more in the winter, or use the budget piece of cardboard with a bungie. They said it helped mpg – never tried it.

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    My last fill was the lowest mileage I’ve seen all winter but I’ve always seen lower gas mileage during winter. I’ve charted the mileage for my current vehicle since I bought it and the year to year average mileage has been very stable (within a couple tenths of a mile). Every year it’s been a predictable seasonal thing.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    I notice a drop in my MPG on this last tank that I got from Speedway. They might have a different blend. I normally fill up at Kwicktrip or Holiday (that just because they are the easiest stop on my normal route).

    This is what I’m curious on. Thanks.

    Snake ii’s
    Posts: 550

    Speedy and SA are the same company – probably the same gas, too.

    Posts: 936

    I’ve never cared for SA fuel, have always seemed to get poor mileage from it regardless of season or vehicle. Usually fill with Holiday, consistency and convenience being big reasons.

    I’m right there with the 2-3 MPG drop that everyone is seeing and have always chalked it up to the same reasons discussed – winter fuel blend, extended idling and 4WD use, having some fun in cul-de-sacs and parking lots, etc.

    This is an older article but describes how/why different fuel blends are used and IIRC MN winter blends use a fair bit of butane.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I noticed I only get 1mpg less with a short box pickup versus 2mpg less with a long box pickup. I concluded it was because my increase in tool size when I stepped up bed sizes…

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Speedy and SA are the same company – probably the same gas, too.

    Speedway bought out SA. Speedway is a Marathon company. But Speedway and Marathon use different blends…at least that’s what I’ve been reading…

    Pat McSharry
    Saint Michael, MN
    Posts: 713

    I actually noticed my truck doesn’t like Speedy fuel too.

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